What are you doing right nao?

Seriously though, this is an attitude taken by people that are semi informed on whats going on. They place themselves immediately ahead of others yet seem to have an approach of throwing any say they actually have about anything out the window...and that scares me. How can we progress as a world when people refuse to take the initiative to act out any of their plausible roles because they feel helpless.
Just back home from the bars. Second time getting home fromthe bars today. Pissed of some chick that immediately assumed (her words) that my friend and I didn't appreciate how intellectual she was :lol: .
Tonight I've made myself 5 martini's, have had four Wisconsin Bock's and currently have a bunch of vodka shots lined up. This is how I smile atg the end of the day.
Tonight I've made myself 5 martini's, have had four Wisconsin Bock's and currently have a bunch of vodka shots lined up. This is how I smile atg the end of the day.

Drinking a gooooooood Don de Dieu 9% beer while looking at bike stuff :p
It really is a bad idea...when I start to feel the effects of alcool the "buy it now" or "order" button seems easier to click and the budget less of a concern... :ill: