What are you G.A.S.ing for right now?



Ah fuck. What model Ibanez is that? I've seen it online afew times and I really like the shape for some odd reason. First time I've seen it with a fugly pick guard though.

At the moment I'm really GASing for a new PC and my house to be completed so that I can make my home studio of progressive power brootalz. :cry:
As some of you know, this is a disease and it will usually never end before you die. Here are some stuff on my GAS list, all these are long term purchases (going to get most of them in the next 5-10 years):

- a helluva better bass and drumkit than the current ones I own
- a Martin acoustic guitar
- Ampeg + 8x10 fridge
- Several modern higain amps; 5150/6505(+), Dual Rectifier, Savage, XXX, JCM2000...
- A few vintage amps: Vox AC30 and Fender Twin Reverb
- Mesa 4x12 and Marshall 1960A 4x12
- Electro Harmonix Black Finger -pedal (tried it at school, it's a sick sounding tube compressor pedal, makes bass sound really agressive) BOUGHT
- Boss MetalZone (if someone wants to donate one, please let me know ;))
- Field recording gear: a boom, a shotgun mic and a blimp
- Lots of studiomics: Neumann U87, Sennheiser MD421 (3-4), Shure SM7B, Royer 121, Audix D6 (two), more Sennheiser e604's (I currently have only 3, need atleast 2 more), pair of AKG C451 and AKG C414's... And a few SM58's, just because.
- ProTools HD rig (or a regular job at a studio that has one)
- A new PC computer since the current one seems to be dying on me. I'm waiting for the W7 drives to become more stable and common before moving to it.
- A laptop, most likely a MacBook Pro
- 8 input interface + Cubase 5 (to the laptop for field recording)
I've been GASing for this:


So un-metal, but so damn nice. The price on the road worn have really come down and I may just pick one up in the early new year.

I'm also looking for a nice mid-priced vocal preamp/channel strip - still looking over my options so no real GAS yet.
I've been GASing for this:


So un-metal, but so damn nice. The price on the road worn have really come down and I may just pick one up in the early new year.
I love telecasters, but try them before you buy...fender ships all those road worns with a big fretwire ( 6110 I think) but finished as their normal "medium" fretwire and they need dressing...what happens? high E string goes off constantly :ill:
It happens to my 50's road worn strat and I have to refret it :cry: but they sound really nice :)

I'm gasing for a good wah pedal, the vox v847 is ok but the pot gets dirty in no time ( I had one), the morley is really "sweet sounding" and the wylde wah, while it's my fave, is SO expensive here.

Gasing for a ps3 too ( alien vs predator in february yahooo!!!!! :D )
Heres my current wishlist, maybe santa will see it before tomorrow:p

1. Acoustic treatment
2. Profire 2626 (seems like a ton of people are gasing for this atm haha)
3. Studio RTA monitor stands
4. New video graphics card
5. 1TB Internal HDD
6. Windows 7
8. Better Headphone Amp
9. 49-key MIDI Keyboard
10. Better lighting in my studio (any suggestions?)

If I had all of those things I would be set for a long time....so i think:loco:

Be good to me santa!
More outboard.

Losing my GSSL showed me how much I truly hate ITB processing. I can't wait for the GSSL and the 1176s to get over here, so we can move on and focus on some LA-2A and Pultec builds.

Other than that I've really been wanting a new desk and controller to use for mixing. Moving faders via mouse is uninspirational to say the least.

Other than that, I plan to get one of these next year:


