What are you G.A.S.ing for right now?


I'd take the whole room but mainly gasing for the desk.
I'm thinking about upgrading my recording rig to the next level. GASing for three of these (I'm GASing so much that I put them together on photoshop)
Lee Jackson Perfect Connection GP-1000 .... can't find one anywhere....and a whole list of stuff too long to mention...
I'm really GASing for a new Tele, nothing fancy (as if a Tele can ever be called "fancy"), been wanting one with a humbucker in the bridge for a while now. Think after the holidays I'm going to pickup one of the new Fender Modern Player series Telecasters - there inexpensive, but I quite liked one that I played at GC last week. Played it through a Fender Super-Sonic 22 combo and an Egnater Tweaker Head & Cab (like mine) and really enjoyed the tone I got from it.

Just need to decide which finish I like better - both are quite sexy.


Why does every guitar has EMG's in it? Gimme more Seymour Duncans.. Would love a Schecter 7-string with Seymours
Saw these at the store yesterday.. EBs with titanium coating


Gonna try them soon, see if they're brighter than Nanowebs.