What are you listening to today?

That music video reminded me of both Mercenary and Raunchy (two more top-notch Danish bands) - looking forward to both of their new albums whenever the hell they come out. Course it's all just a time passer until the real deal comes out! :) :kickass:
Oh and speaking of Mercenary; I'm listening to their new song "New Desire" and holy fuck this is ass-kickery of the highest order!
For anyone who loves a good classic power/speed band, check out ReinXeed...I just heard the promo for their debut album The Light...holy smokage! It's almost a one-man band, Tommy Johansson is both an amazing guitarist and vocalist, and also does the keys. They really need a new official website though, it looks like shit and hasn't been updated since last summer :lol: Thankfully the myspace is a little better maintained...

ReinXeed myspace
Hmm, is the Allen-Lande thing any good? I've been wanting to check em out, I fucking love Russel Allen's voice. If so, what do you think I should start with?
Hmm, is the Allen-Lande thing any good? I've been wanting to check em out, I fucking love Russel Allen's voice. If so, what do you think I should start with?

I listened to the album for the 2nd time. So it's not so easy to say.
It's not too heavy, nice to hear. If you like Russel Allen's voice, maybe you like the song "Will You Follow".
Versailles-Red Carpet Day

I have been listening to these guys since before they released their debut album (mini-album is more like it) late last year. This japanese band knows how to make some awesome power/neoclassical metal.

The video I have here is one I found that somebody has but the song to a video from a final fantasy game. I did this because if you see what they look like before giving them a fair listen you may be quick to judge....

Man, i REALLY like the Instrumental section of the band, I must admit i wish the singing was a bit more operatic.. I'm not sure if its just the language (japanese?) that isn't doing it for me, or the style.. but it desn't feel like it fits as well as it could in most parts.. but i'm DEFINITELY digging it.

I just caught this new band from metalstorm.ee , its "All Ends", they're a Gothenburg band; it's a bit of a break from the super fast super intense bands that i'm always listening to, its nice to have some music to start the wind-down from super crazy music; that is instead of going from Amon Amarth, or Yngwie straight to celtic.. Having something in the middle..
Hope you enjoy.

All Ends - Still Believe
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Man, i REALLY like the Instrumental section of the band, I must admit i wish the singing was a bit more operatic.. I'm not sure if its just the language (japanese?) that isn't doing it for me, or the style.. but it desn't feel like it fits as well as it could in most parts.. but i'm DEFINITELY digging it.

I just caught this new band from metalstorm.ee , its "All Ends", they're a Gothenburg band; it's a bit of a break from the super fast super intense bands that i'm always listening to, its nice to have some music to start the wind-down from super crazy music; that is instead of going from Amon Amarth, or Yngwie straight to celtic.. Having something in the middle..
Hope you enjoy.

All Ends - Still Believe

Wow...that sounds a lot better than I thought it would. It kinda has a nice melodic power metal sound without the usual double bass up tempo sound. The female singer also reminds me a lot of Tom Englund's (of Evergrey) wife Carina, who is quite a powerful female vocalist as well.

About the song I posted, you said you wish the voice was a bit more operatic so I thought I would post this other song that I feel sounds moreso operatic. Oh btw, this is a music video so it can't be helped that you will see what these guys look like; therefore, I will just go ahead and say that, even if they are not homosexual, they dress up effeminately. This is because in Japan a lot of bands follow a sort of "visual shock" style in order to create a more visual experience. Basically, its just a part of the show, and I even think it creates a nice aesthetic to go along with the music.

And here is their debut single song which I think shows some outstanding guitar solos. It's also in "Engrish".

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Oh, I can definately relate to how you feel about the vocals because I felt the same way the first time I heard them too. The thing is that after hearing more of them I started getting used them and actually enjoy them a bit more than I did at first. But the thing is, like you, what really first got me was the awesome music. The whole men dressing effimenately thing didn't bother me really since I have over the years enjoyed a good share of japanese rock/metal, music and it kind of comes with the territory. Even so, I think the costumes work very well with the music anyway...its supposed to be a play on french neoclassicism and "beauty".
At the moment I am slapping the unholy hell out of Amoral - Decrowned... I do not know how the hell I have missed this band, but this technical, lightly progressive influenced thrashy melodic metal album is... unbelievable! I absolutely recommend it to ANYONE who likes thrash melodic metal, it is KILLER!
I'll have to give that a try,it's been a while since i listened to some thrash,especially progressive melodic thrash(hells yeah!).
Today i'm listening to Helloween.

I highly recommend you guys listen to the new Anubis Gate album Andromeda(if you haven't already).