what are you reading?

Now reading "Relentless" by Simon Kernick. Also listening to "The Innocent" by Harlan Coben in the car when driving to/from work.
I was reading The Broker by Grisham but i lost it somewhere when i took it with me to go fix some parking tickets at the traffic place... :cry: so until I get another cheap paperback copy of it to read, I'll be reading another book i have:

Drug Lords (The rise and fall of the Cali Cartel - The richest, most powerful syndicate in history) by Ron Chepesiuk
Just finished,
'The Power and the Glory', inside the dark heart of John Paul ll's Vatican
By David Yallop
Interesting stuff ... allowed Roberto Calvi, head of the Banco Ambrosiano, and others who came after him to make use of the Vatican Banks for money laundering, the failure to address the child abuse crisis that came to light in the 1980s, the rise of Opus Dei
BTW, I like John Paul

Just picked up the graphic novel, 'Tricked' by Alex Robinson
On another forum I used the words graphic novel
a forum member asked,"What's a graphic novel"
I'm a European history fiend, so that's what I enjoy reading about. Right now I'm reading the writings of Stanley G. Payne through an online copy of A History of Spain and Portugal. It's quite good so far.
Just finished "Dragons of the Highlord Skies" by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman.