what are your plans for christmas and new year?

ok, i´ll start with mine...
christmas celebratings with the family first, and 2th day of christmas will see Danny unplugged probably..
New year: celebrate with only Ralph, the fireplace and a good glass wine....sigh...
hm, I'm going to Germany today to see my bf, maybe we will make a little trip to Amsterdam tomorrow, but we dont know yet. The 24th we are flying to Vienna early in the morning (got a 20 euro flight from german wings hehe). So there we will celebrate only us 2 first, then with my mother and brother in the evening.

for new year I'll be alone it seems, anyway I dont like celebrating new year :(
Good one.

Soon as I'm done at work on tuesday (23rd) I'll take train to my girlfriends family (bout 3½hrs) and spend a couple of days there with her. On friday I'll come back and go to my mom and stay there atleast for that day. The weekend after christmas is kinda open and I'll leave it like that. Probly we'll practise our new songs with our guitarist since we're gonna do a demo pretty soon :) but what's more important, I'll take it easy and likely watch a few movies :D

new years eve is still under planning, but I guess we're gonna do like every year: find a house big enough for a large group and celebrate with friends there.
christmas: the same as every year. celebrating with the family, having a one- time- in- the- year visit at church :erk: , hanging around at home.

New years eve: if only i would know it yet. It's always the same, no one cares the whole year until 2 weeks before the end of the year, everyone goes like "Hey, what do we do on New years eve?". Fuck it! Anyway, we'll probably end up here in me hometown celebrating together as always, getting pissed, watching the firework, getting more pissed, going to bed, awake and a great new year has just begun with a fucken hangover ;)

no i'm really looking forward to it...
Well, family for the 25th, and then flying to Egypt to celebrate New Years eve on the nile.

It will be nice I think, every year I spend new years eve with my friends in the snow. This time I wil go with my parents to see pharaohs
my mom had to go to this breastcancer research and they found something so this week she had to go to the hospital to do all kind off test and now whe have to wait till 30 december to get the results to find out what it is.
ahh! thats terrible! i know the feeling! the strain and tension and fear!!!!
i hope it will all turn out better than expected

wish your mom all the best!
miranda B said:
my mom had to go to this breastcancer research and they found something so this week she had to go to the hospital to do all kind off test and now whe have to wait till 30 december to get the results to find out what it is.
wish yer mom the best, and maybe it still turns out a good christmas unexpectedly!
Morpheus said:
New years eve: if only i would know it yet. It's always the same, no one cares the whole year until 2 weeks before the end of the year, everyone goes like "Hey, what do we do on New years eve?". Fuck it! Anyway, we'll probably end up here in me hometown celebrating together as always, getting pissed, watching the firework, getting more pissed, going to bed, awake and a great new year has just begun with a fucken hangover

:p Exactly the same here, always plans to go somewhere after the fireworks, but drunkenness prevails.
be good and have spirit. don't let anything take you down. i don't like holidays much. kinda depressing.
all the best miranda.