what are your reasons to hate Cradle of Filth ?


the sick one
Dec 1, 2001
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i read this thread about the worst band, COF was on top i guess ?
why do you hate them...i can't stand them, too...because i get headaches, this vocals make me sick, it sounds like a puppy yelping for his food ... but i must say i liked this from cradle to enslave video...it's pretty splatter...
Well, I like CoF, it's one of my favourite bands. All their songs are not good, thought. But albums like "Midian" and "Cruelty & the Beast" rule. Maybe the image of the band is too much for little satanworshipper girls, but that doesn't annoy me as long as the music is good. And I think "Her Ghost In The Fog" is maybe best BM video I have seen.
i like them, minus dani filth if they had a singer who was worth a shit they might be more popular, i dont think the music its self is bad, i like it, with the exception of dani's horrible singing
I used to like them, albums like "The Principle of Evil made Flesh", "Vempire", "Dusk and her Embrace" and even "Cruelty and the Beast" rule, but since their godlike drummer Nicholas Barker left and they released their last two fucking albums, I really think they suck! I saw them live at a festival lately, the drummer wasn't able to do his doublebassdrums equally, Dani Fucking Filth acted like a real dick (I suppose he actually IS), and at the end of the gig they threw a very expensive keyboard of the stage and ruined the drumset (being a drummer, seeing a drumset of that value being destroyed really pissed me of!!!)

Nevertheless, when I saw them live 3 or 4 years ago, they really ruled like hell, so I think they suck because the succes has raised to their heads... Now it's just commercial crap... It happens to a lot of bands, even Metallica, that used to be the best metalband in the fucking world until they became commercial fuckers... Damn, this shit just makes me so depressed!
Originally posted by lakebodomkiller
....they might be more popular......

hmmm.. well they are already enough popular.....not to say sold-out.

btw, i like cof but i'm very tired of seeing those cradle of filth t-shirts everywhere. Everytime i look somewhere at my school, there's a guy with a cradle of filth t-shirt.
Originally posted by Sargarash
I used to like them, albums like "The Principle of Evil made Flesh", "Vempire", "Dusk and her Embrace" and even "Cruelty and the Beast" rule, but since their godlike drummer Nicholas Barker left and they released their last two fucking albums, I really think they suck! I saw them live at a festival lately, the drummer wasn't able to do his doublebassdrums equally, Dani Fucking Filth acted like a real dick (I suppose he actually IS), and at the end of the gig they threw a very expensive keyboard of the stage and ruined the drumset (being a drummer, seeing a drumset of that value being destroyed really pissed me of!!!)

Nevertheless, when I saw them live 3 or 4 years ago, they really ruled like hell, so I think they suck because the succes has raised to their heads... Now it's just commercial crap... It happens to a lot of bands, even Metallica, that used to be the best metalband in the fucking world until they became commercial fuckers... Damn, this shit just makes me so depressed!

that's the thing.. it's not the music what i don't like, it's the band itself, the attitude.. i used to liked them too but when i started seeing those t-shirts everywhere and all the girls liking them and got sick of the band...
too tell you the truth I just bought Midian 2 days ago and I love it for the most part, even if there are like 3 pointsless wastes of track space like stupid ass Satanic Mantra with Dani repeating a line over and over for 50 seconds. I agree as well that the whole image is rediculous (as I dont like most of the whole black metal image), the lyrics are rediculous occasionally (read Amor E Morte.....erm.....no Dani....shut the fuck up ok......thats too far) but songs like Her Ghost in the Fog rule, I mean the musicianship is great and thats why I like the cd, they have some really nasty melodies in there.

As for Dani's attitude, I heard the whole asshole thing for a while, and in the Her Ghost in the Fog video (which I agree kicks serious ass, have that one downloaded :D )he does look like a pompous ass, like hes full of himself. I read an interview at Metal-Rules.com with him, and he seemed like an alright guy. Oh well, never met him so I couldnt tell you.
I have 3 COF CD's.
The first is Midian. I like this CD. I think most of the songs are good. Cthulu Dawn is my favorite song on this CD.
I also have Vempire, which I havent listened to that much to be honest, so I cant comment on it too much, but I can say that my favorite track is the last one.
I also have The Cradle to Enslave E.P digipack. Cradle to Enslave is in my opinion the best CoF song. The vocals arent too bad on this track.

My opinoin on Dani Filth's voice is varied. I think his deep vocals sound really cool, and most of the time I dont mind the vocals. But when he does those really high pitched whines, its fucking annoying, and even funny sometimes (especially when your stoned!). All in all, I like Cradle of Filth, but there are some things that annoy me about the band.

Oh and by the way, this guy i know reckons Children of Bodom are a rip off of Cradle of Filth, and that COF guitarists are better than COB . :tickled: What a dickhead.
Hmmm Cradle of Filth.....what to say about them, yes I like their music, the image is good but perhaps a little overdone.
I think it's one of those bands that got so commercialised that it drew alot of people wanting attention, and the attitude of Dani Filth just pissed all his true fans off.
They might have money and fame but they will never have the restpect from their fans that Children of Bodom have, it's a common respect between musicians and fans. Dani Filth is so pretentious and fucked up he doesnt think that mich of his fans, but look at Alexi for example, he loves us he give us the time of day. Like he said he got 2 hours sleep between shows so he could play and make his fans happy. That's the difference....there is a moral difference between COF & COB.

By the way....I think COB's music would kick CoF's ass anyday...
In my opinion CoF is the second best band in the world (everybody here knows the number one...) and I just love their music... And when it comes to being commercial shit, I really don't know anyone who would listen to CoF but not any other metal bands. With that they make the big difference when compared to Metallica, for instance... You may even hate metal music but you can still be a huge Metallica fan because they aren't metal anymore, at least in my opinion... CoF still is, and will probably always be a true metal band! And then about the music, I really enjoy the dark, horror movie-like atmosphere that they have in their songs, the guys are great musicians, even though no-one can ever replace Nick Barker properly! About Dani being an asshole, I haven't met him so I can't be sure but according to the interviews I've seen/read, he seems like a quite nice guy... And his voice is so fucking awesome! The man has the greates voice variety I've ever heard! No matter how high he "sings", it doesn't annoy me at all. I also like most of the lyrics he writes. In my opinion it's pure success, not commercialism, that their CD's, shirts and other products sell so well... CoF is a great band but they fucked up their gig here in Finland on the Tattoo the Planet -tour... Well, shit happens... Hope you didn't get too bored... ;)
There's two reasons I like CoF: Her Ghost In The Fog (and the video of it) + Lustmord And Wargasm (the song). :) Yeah, I agree with you who sayd Dani seems to be a nice guy in interviews, he truly is. I haven't even seen any of their shows, so I can't make an opinion about that... I really would want to see their show. But a musician who fucks his instrument up annoys me, even if it's quite popular.

Nick Barker's leaving from CoF is the worst thing happaned to CoF, drumming really sucked after he left the band. But honestly I am glad he left CoF... Why? Well, listen to Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia. :)

Cof has good shirts and bad shirts. The Midian one with CoF -logo on the front and Midian -logo on the back is really cool, I will buy one soon. :D
Not one of my favourites, but don't hate them either. I accually like them somewhat. Midian is a thoroughly good record and From Cradle to Enslave is an awesome song. As I said in another thread, I find their music quite interesting and there's only Dani's voice, that really bother's me. No, their sell-out image and the numerous CoF shirts doesn't bother me at all.
I agree, fame should absolutely nothing to do with credit to a band, a lot of true metal heads seem to think popularity coincides with selling out. I personally just listen to the music,

"By the way....I think COB's music would kick CoF's ass anyday..."

no fuckin question. :D
"Nick Barker's leaving from CoF is the worst thing happaned to CoF, drumming really sucked after he left the band. But honestly I am glad he left CoF... Why? Well, listen to Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia."

Now thats a masterpiece!