What band tee's will you be wearing to the show?


Mar 28, 2006
Las Vegas
For the first night I'll wear my Disciple of the Watch (Testament) shirt, and then for the second day I'll probably be wearing the Whisper Supremacy (Cryptopsy shirt, or a The Novella Reservoir shirt.

So what are you guys wearing?
The first night I'll probably wear my old Black Sabbath "We Sold Our Souls For Rock And Roll" shirt, just because I've pretty much worn it to every concert I've ever gone to. Then the second day, I'll probably wear Testament - Souls of Black... :headbang:
I shall wear my official uniform of Black shirt, Black jeans and Black boots.

I wonder how many people are not going to wear either a black or a band shirt??
I might pull out this shirt that I wore on my first day of grammar school:
I shall wear my official uniform of Black shirt, Black jeans and Black boots.

I wonder how many people are not going to wear either a black or a band shirt??

i will most likely be wearing some kind of WHITISH shirt with tight jeans...haven't planned it yet

heh...white is the new black