What band tee's will you be wearing to the show?

AWWWW... to be young and able to wear band t shirts daily.
You chaps are cuties!!!! :)

Just remember CONCERT RULE #1:
Do NOT wear a tshirt of the band you are going to see....
Can I wear one of my Novembers Doom shirts on Friday? Is that allowed???

Hrmm.. I dunno.....
The rules may need to be updated to reflect the "festival" situation.
After all, you are attending "Powerfest" and Nov Doom are a part of it.
I may need a day or two to think of this one.....

Looks like Vito will have to raid "another" band's merchandise stash for gear. :lol:
AWWWW... to be young and able to wear band t shirts daily.
You chaps are cuties!!!! :)

Just remember CONCERT RULE #1:
Do NOT wear a tshirt of the band you are going to see....

Well, you can start throwing tomatoes at me now because I am not that young and can still wear band shirts on a daily basis...even to the office.:p
I am one lucky Corporate Whore. "Good morning, ABC Inc., this is Rachel. May I help you? My shirt says I NEED YOUR FLESH on the back." :tickled:

I agree with your rule.
Do NOT wear a tshirt of the band you are going to see....

I think the committee will indeed have to revisit this ruling for festivals. What if I wear a Powerfest shirt from a previous year, particularly the one with Novembers Doom on it?

I think for a festival, you *should* be allowed to wear the shirt of a band on the roster, and the band with the most shirts in attendance gets an extra 10 minutes of stage time :)

I have decided... contrary to my previous post.

The first day I shall be in a indistinguishable Wolves In The Throne Room shirt (You can't tell its their shirt, since its their old logo, which is a buncha scribbles). The second day I shall be in a Deathspell Omega shirt.

Anyone else wearing a shirt of either of these bands will be dealt with accordingly.

Although, I may replace one of those 2 shirts with a Rudra shirt, depending on how I feel on that day.
I was gonna order a WitTR shirt but I got lazy and just didn't.

I may replace my Demilich shirt with my brand new Earth shirt just because my Candlemass shirt is inexplainably my favorite shirt, and I wanna wear my new Earth shirt.

That's assuming it arrives before the concert. Depends what's clean, what's dirty, what I can find, etc. :P Apparently I have to show up for five minutes at someone's Bar Mitzvah before the concert anyway so maybe I will be in dress clothes!
I was gonna order a WitTR shirt but I got lazy and just didn't.

I may replace my Demilich shirt with my brand new Earth shirt just because my Candlemass shirt is inexplainably my favorite shirt, and I wanna wear my new Earth shirt.

That's assuming it arrives before the concert. Depends what's clean, what's dirty, what I can find, etc. :P Apparently I have to show up for five minutes at someone's Bar Mitzvah before the concert anyway so maybe I will be in dress clothes!

How many band tees do you have o_O
Not that many actually. Just a few for the really killer bands I love, then like 5 that I got off the Hot Topic website when they had them for $5 clearance (High on Fire being the only notable metal one... I actually ended up in an epic nail-biting battle of time with my friend over an Immortal shirt... Which I lost. :( ). Probably about ~15 being my estimation without any actual counting involved.
OK, Today's the day! and I'm wearing the long-sleeve version of this shirt:



I'll be heading over there in about 6 hours :)
I'll be there with a The Chasm shirt on, my buddy will have a Heathen Crusade shirt on, and my other buddy will probably have an Iowa State shirt, because he thinks band shirts are stupid.

anyways... so you fucks there :kickass: