Ken Luther
Dr. Luther (Metalprof)
Next one to call me Dr. Luther gets a thumb in the eye
I'm bound to forget someone, but my new friends (those who I met and spoke to for more than two seconds) are:
Bob (diabolik)
Actumen's dad Ken, coolest dad ever!!!
Will Bozarth
Jose (Saladbar)
Rebecca (wildfyr)
Rachel (Shadowlioness) (well, that's not quite true because I did meet her at a previous show, but that was one of those "hey, how ya doin, excuse me I'm on my way over there" sorts of meetings, so I don't know if it counts).
Pardon the mix of screen and real names.
Other people in this thread or others that I didn't get to meet, at least as far as I know, are EricT (although I *saw* him), Normando, eppst1, Cephalopod, OrbWeaver (although I saw her with Met-Al).
Notable by their absence: Tony (MountainKing, sorry you couldn't make it!) and The Crown (sorry I didn't bring it!).
All my old friends know who they are, so I'm not even going to try that list