So who did you meet for the 1st time?

Dr. Luther (Metalprof)

Next one to call me Dr. Luther gets a thumb in the eye :rolleyes:

I'm bound to forget someone, but my new friends (those who I met and spoke to for more than two seconds) are:

Bob (diabolik)
Actumen's dad Ken, coolest dad ever!!! :kickass:
Will Bozarth
Jose (Saladbar)
Rebecca (wildfyr)
Rachel (Shadowlioness) (well, that's not quite true because I did meet her at a previous show, but that was one of those "hey, how ya doin, excuse me I'm on my way over there" sorts of meetings, so I don't know if it counts).

Pardon the mix of screen and real names.

Other people in this thread or others that I didn't get to meet, at least as far as I know, are EricT (although I *saw* him), Normando, eppst1, Cephalopod, OrbWeaver (although I saw her with Met-Al).

Notable by their absence: Tony (MountainKing, sorry you couldn't make it!) and The Crown (sorry I didn't bring it!).

All my old friends know who they are, so I'm not even going to try that list :)

It looks like everyone got to meet Jose. He's certainly gregarious. :)

He was also VERY annoyed that the bar didn't have Heinekin, and that they ran out of Guinness on Saturday. Hahaha, gotta love him!
It's hard to miss Jose. He's pretty flamboyant in a metal kind of way. XD And random girls took pictures of him, for some reason. Some girl just walked up to him and snapped a photo while he was talking with two of his band-mates and myself. It was pretty hillarious. :D

Off topic: eaeolian - Woodbridge, eh? I was in that area for spring break with my boyfriend. I was also there once when I was 19. I looked at the nearby MWC campus. :)
We didn't see Jose Saturday night and we looked for him, too.

We met for the first time: OrbWeaver
Met-Al's drummer who he kept calling Kramer so I have no idea what his name is or if he posts on here.
Squeak / PhotoMistress
Veronica Freeman - Benedictum
Jessy - Benedictum
Pete - Benedictum

Great friends we already knew that we got the pleasure of visiting with
Lance King
Chris Lotesto
The Michael

we saw Justin/Moskito a few times, but didn't get a chance to talk to him

There are probably a few I missed. It was a great weekend.
Man, I can't even begin to tell you everyone I met.. only people I really remember are:

Vic Rattlehead

If I forgot someone, remind me who you are!
We didn't see Jose Saturday night and we looked for him, too.

We met for the first time: OrbWeaver
Met-Al's drummer who he kept calling Kramer so I have no idea what his name is or if he posts on here.
Squeak / PhotoMistress
Veronica Freeman - Benedictum
Jessy - Benedictum
Pete - Benedictum

Great friends we already knew that we got the pleasure of visiting with
Lance King
Chris Lotesto
The Michael

we saw Justin/Moskito a few times, but didn't get a chance to talk to him

There are probably a few I missed. It was a great weekend.

Ok I met you friday but I don't remember who you are so......who are you again? (Yes I was very drunk the whole weekend)
I met you, I introduced myself and Jason to you and you ran off within seconds.

Yeah, it was weird. I was hoping that some people would have been more excited to meet and what not. Meeting a lot of you, though cool, was very anti-climactic. Maybe everyone wanted to stay in their comfort zone and hang with the people they came with.
Yeah, the hotel was all about "socializing"... I'm surprised you guys didn't show up. It's always a pain to talk to people at the venue when bands are playing...

The reason I didn't hit the hotel was the same reason I didn't end up coming on Friday night. We had out of town guests staying at our house this weekend. They were originally supposed to come this upcoming weekend, but changed their plans. These guests also consisted of a toddler and a 10 month old. Therefore, stumbling in at 3AM was unfortunately not an option for me on Saturday night.
It's always a pain to talk to people at the venue when bands are playing...

Yeah, I got a lot of practice with my happy "Yes!" face this weekend. You know, when someone decides they just *have* to say something to you over 100dB music by shouting unintelligibly at 101dB instead of waiting for a break between the songs. So you just smile, nod "Yes", and do your best to make it seem like you understood what was said. Then you go back to listening to the band.

I had to do that several times. :)

If anyone here was someone I did that too, I apologize but ... you know ... just wait for a break in the music unless you're going to tell me my pants are on fire.

Yeah, I got a lot of practice with my happy "Yes!" face this weekend. You know, when someone decides they just *have* to say something to you over 100dB music by shouting unintelligibly at 101dB instead of waiting for a break between the songs. So you just smile, nod "Yes", and do your best to make it seem like you understood what was said. Then you go back to listening to the band.

HAHAHAHA:lol: I actually do that all of the time. I am usually afraid to know what I say "Yes" to most of the time. Then I try to read the peoples faces to see if it was a good or bad thing... Sometimes, I give them the "Really? That's cool!" and they keep talking...:lol:

BTW, Ken, Your pants are on FIRE:flame:
The only thing I do while a band is playing is point, if something funny is happening. Then the person I directed with the point asks me what, and I just ignore them. :p

Which band was it you kept poking me and pointing for? Was it Saturnus, when the lead singer of Lethal kept showing up and being hilarious? :lol:

I poked you and pointed when John Perez dropped his pick in front of us, but you didn't see it. He about crushed me and Normando when we tried to get it, as he came up to the front of the stage to headbang and play.
:lol: I totally apologize for that, guys! I was kinda in a rush to get up front and secure my spot. It never even dawned on me what I did :tickled: I'll be more talkative next year!

It's cool bro. Usually how it happens is I would see someone, plan on going to talk to them, and then when I would turn around, I would run into someone else (IE - After Nov Doom, I was going to go chat up some of you guys, but ran into Dan (Danimal) at the bar)