What bands shouldn't people listen to?


Jul 24, 2007
Lebbeke, Belgium
Post the bands you think people shouldn't listen to (or in other words: which bands suck major ass?)

Soulfly (most of it though)
Stone Sour

Mostly nu-metal.
Personally I can't stand the band, their image, the music or the way they've suddenly tried to be 'old-skool thrash' after releasing mediocre metalcore bollocks for a few years...:mad: and I really hate all the guitar magazines that bum Trivium for being able to play 'a solo' (woooooooo), even though there are much better guitarists out there doing much better stuff... also the interviews are boring as fuck!!!!

rant over... just don't make me talk about the T band again :p

This thread is fucking bullshit, its like.. Name bands that you hate.

If everyone liked the same stuff the world would be a very boring place.

For example, i like Trivium (No, im not to 'metal' to admit that) and i love black metal..
This thread is fucking bullshit, its like.. Name bands the you hate.
That's pretty much what I was trying to point out with my post. :p I listen to what I like and if someone wants to judge me because of my musical tastes, then that's their problem. I find it strange that it happens so much in many metal communities when plenty of metalheads complain about being 'outcasts' from society as it is... I guess everyone's a bit of a hypocrite, but come on.

I've been positively lynched for being honest about my taste in music once before, and I think it's an incredibly moronic thing to do.
Mostly Nu-Metal, i hate it
bands like:
Linkin park
Bullet for my valentine
avenged sevenfold

and all these metalcore and emocore shits, i dont know even why its called "metalcore" thats...thats...puke