What can you make out of my raw drums?!


Nov 22, 2007
Poconos, PA
Nothing else tracked just yet. I understand that having the rest of a mix is important, and I can try to track some guitars/bass tomorrow when I have time.

I was mainly interested to see how differently other people would process just drums.

I have a very hard time shaping or changing raw drums.
Sorry i gotta blend the kick, it had a annoying sound for me at least, and the drummer also needs some more practice doesnt he?:muahaha:...anyway anything further i wouldnt bother without the whole mix.
Knowing what kind of music it will be could only help more. You can also let some more sub into the kicks, than i did but i cant really tell it on these monitors i got here.
I will post my try in 2 hours :-)
Do you mind to upload the whole song raw tracks once you track everything? Please :-)
Awesome I'll check a few of these out once I get on a computer.

I always thought our drummer was fairly consistent but lately realizing that's not the case so much.

Snare has a weird "piiiiing" to it that I hate. The room we are tracking in is bad.
Keep em coming guys!

I'm interested to see how someone would edit these as well since the kicks are a bit off especially on the fast double kick bit.

Yesterday it took us like 3 hours to track a 2:03 song on drums. =/

I swear he goes full retard once in a while. "Dude, the scratch guitars HAVE to be wrong....this is NOT how we play it", etc......Bro I wrote the song and have been playing it for like 6 years......

Anyway, the reason behind this is I may look into someone from this forum to work some magic on drums for me. I always have a really hard time getting raw drums to sound decent without blending kick and snare.
Quick test.... really happy bout how it ends..

thing is... sounds thin as hell.... is a billon years away for a similar midi drum triggering slate or sd2 samples.

may i ask you for some samples of the same kit? at least two kicks, and four snares hits.

It is a huge diference to compress a sample than a track... the comp brings up all the shiti bleed....
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