What COB song would fans like to see as a video?


Helping The World To See
Jan 3, 2002
Phoenix, Arizona U.S.A.
Personally I would Like to see a Children of Bodom DVD be released featuring their Live tours to JAPAN, MEXICO, AMERICA including interviews, new video, and there past videos.

The lyrics of WRATH WITHIN, WOULD MAKE A GREAT VIDEO, the song is great to.

CHECK THIS OUT as well, it is nice to see bands cover every area of free things to give out.

CELL PHONE RING TONES!!!!!!!!!!! Imagine the time some one took to bring these to you!

A DVD would be so sweet. It should have all their video clips, a concert, behing the scenes, images, and well, pretty much what is on the Nightwish DVD. That DVD is so awesome it has heaps of stuff on it!
Offcourse I would like COB to make a DVD, maybe a limited one with all sorts of stuff like you uys already mentioned, but then on the other way, DVD's cost a lot of money.

This is something I took from marduk.nu . I really like the idea, but I guess thia is goin to cost a lot...

The Marduk box set entitled "Blackcrowned" have now been set for a release on the 21st of January 2002 (DELAYED till 18-2), and it`s limited to 10 000 copies worldwide. As we mentioned earlier it will contain 2 cd`s with unreleased and hard to get hold of material and a video cassette with over 1 hour of live clips and a booklet with all unpublished lyrics and full biography. The 2 cd`s will be released as limited edition vinyl versions, 500 copies each on black vinyl and picture disc.
nope deadwinter your completely wrong, no fans would buy it and it would go out of buisness. Next time dont be so fucking sure! ;)
I am sure Children of Bodom fans would buy anything the Bodom gives out! I can be as sure as I want to be.

Exactly, even if I wouldn't have to money I'd borrow. It happens all the time to me, that I say I'm not oing to buy this or that CD, but in the end I always end up buying it. Luckily I only have this problem with CD's...:loco:
In The shadows and SILENT NIGHT, BODOM NIGHT!!!

they would defintly have to have live bits in as well as backstage stuff and them mucking around, thats a must!!!

They gotta make it in VCR format too lol cause i dont have a dvd player, I would buy it but wouldnt be able to watch it lol!!!

I wanna see Alexi !!!!!!
If they include all their videoclips on a DVD then they also must include the making of Everytime I Die (but please with English subtitles).
I think they should release that DVD Alexi was talking about a while ago in BW&BN mag. But not limited,to say 10,000 copies,that's fuckin' stupid and limits fans from getting it because A)it would be more $$ and B) Only 10,000 fans would get it (that is if people don't buy multi copies eather) and CoB has a lot more then 10,000 die hard fans :Smug: