COB film video for are you dead yet

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deathxunlimited said:
How old are you joonas, 12 maybe 13. barely old enough to know what pubes are. so don't even act like you've been through "deep depression". once you find your own penis and get your friends out of your ass, then maybe you can talk again.

I'm 20, and this is the only MB I've ever come across that only consists of probably 15-year-old black-clothed angry little rebels, who appear so "traumatized" or badass they can't act politely. I thought that PMIB live vid was cool, it didn't make me cry.
Joonas Lehtonen said:
Eat my balls, bitch. You're so much tougher because you don't like Punch Me I Bleed.. You've just never been thru deep depression, so it holds nothing personal to you, so you can suck my dick.

Oh jesus christ how hard I just laughed. O_O

Hey you know what's more meaningful than Punch Me I Bleed?
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