"What covers surpass the original?"

I thought of one! (I haven't agreed with any of the others that I know yet, though a few have been mentioned that I have heard neither original or cover)

Jimi Hendrix - All Along the Watchtower!
SPAAAAAWWWWWNNNN!!!! (Yelled in much the same way as that scene in Star Trek II)

It's taken me a while to catch up with this thread, but he who disses Tori MUST be punished! I'd rather listen to her than Slayer any day of the week :p.

Back onto the subject of this thread, I often think Hi-5 would do excellent versions of KISS songs if they only tried. It works the other way round too. Just imagine Mr Stanley whipping the crowd into a frenzy as he sings "I have five thentheth, thay them with me/five thentheth here we go..." :lol:

Originally posted by Wrathchild
SPAAAAAWWWWWNNNN!!!! (Yelled in much the same way as that scene in Star Trek II)

It's taken me a while to catch up with this thread, but he who disses Tori MUST be punished! I'd rather listen to her than Slayer any day of the week :p.


I was wondering when you were gonna pick up on that :D Mwahahahaha!
Slayer rocks! :rock:
Dungeon-Fast as a Shark(original by Accept).

Definitely one of the highlights of any Dungeon concert.I just wish i could actually have it on CD(TIMMMY????...i want Maiden my spare time...or whatever it is you call your promo CD!!!!!!!!!)
Ohhhh Ok you guys may not agree with me here....

but Dungeon - Prowler!!!!

Main reason? Tim sings it WAYYY better than Paul Dianno does! And its faster and sounds more metal, rather than Maiden's early pub sound.
Jimi Hendrix - All Along the Watchtower
Guns N Roses - Knockin' on heavens Door
Guns N Roses - Live and Let Die
Ugly Kid Joe - Cat's in the Cradle
Metallica - Turn the Page

there's a few ;)