What DAW is everyone using at the moment?

Pro Tools 9. The proper import session data has made my life so much better, not to mention delay comp!
Master/Compile With Wave Burner.
It's free and easy to learn.

It's not free. For 30 demo days yeah, but then you're supposed to pay the $60. I know a lot of people don't, which bugs the crap out of me. I don't even use it and I want to pay for it just because they have an awesome business model.
Pro Tools 9
I used to be Logic fanboy but after transition can't think mixing without PT.
No Samplitude user here ? I totally dig the Samplitude/Sequoia 10. I know it very well and working with it seems to me as tiring as watching TV :)
I actually switched to Samplitude Pro a few months back after a LOT of deliberation.. Admittedly a costly move but possibly the best one ive ever made. I only wish id made the transition sooner!! Ultra intuitive work flow and KILLER stock plugs!!! im surprised its not more popular on here...