What DAW?


New Metal Member
Jun 5, 2008
Oxford, uk
Just wondering what daw you guy are using or recommend.
I've been using Cubase for years and have Cubase 5, but I'm fed up with the constant crashing and device settings changing every time I start it up.
I've just started using ableton live 8 demo but it seems to be for samplers and doesn't really have much midi support.

Any info would be useful.
This topic has been talked about over and over... Use the search function, there has even been a poll about it
im using Reaper at the moment but will be switching to studio one pro since reaper likes to crash every now and then for no reason. If you want to get studio one buy the artist version for cheap and upgrade. I dont know why but its cheaper to do that. For me i got artist version with my firestudio interface so it wont be too much money to switch.
Just wondering what daw you guy are using or recommend.
I've been using Cubase for years and have Cubase 5, but I'm fed up with the constant crashing and device settings changing every time I start it up.
I've just started using ableton live 8 demo but it seems to be for samplers and doesn't really have much midi support.

Any info would be useful.

for samplers and not much midi support?????:err:
Yeah I'm new to ableton it has a lot of stuff in it but if I need to write a midi track I don't like the piano roll I prefer to work with a score editor, which it doesn't have.
I was thinking about sonar X1 or something similar any one had any experience with that?

and I forgot to mention I'm using a PC so logic is out the window.

another thing is have you actually used the search function on this site (it came up with zero results for DAW) you can never get a positive answer form it so instead of reading hundreds of pages for hours it's just easier to ask the question again.
Yeah I'm new to ableton it has a lot of stuff in it but if I need to write a midi track I don't like the piano roll I prefer to work with a score editor, which it doesn't have.
I was thinking about sonar X1 or something similar any one had any experience with that?

and I forgot to mention I'm using a PC so logic is out the window.

another thing is have you actually used the search function on this site (it came up with zero results for DAW) you can never get a positive answer form it so instead of reading hundreds of pages for hours it's just easier to ask the question again.

aaaah right i get ya now... ive never personally ever needed a score editor but i know a lot of ableton users that bitch about there not being one...
how about harmony or melody assistant????
Personally I have tried Cubase, Sonar, Logic, Reaper and Pro Tools. For sampling and MIDI writing/editing I like to use Logic, but I always seem to go to Pro tools for my mixing and audio recording/editing.
Reaper. Used to record in Cubase, but Reaper somehow felt more friendly and easier to use, so I switched and never looked backed. But that was Cubase 4 era, they improved and added quite a few things, I might be happier today than I was then - who knows.
Clockwork said:
Reaper for audio, Reason/Record for midi. Works well for me. I am tempted to try cubase though, I hear good things.

This is pretty much exactly what I was going to say
This one is the best.

This Is the best search engine for sneap forum it actually works.
I don't Know Why the don't sticky this on the main page.

I've dabbled with reaper before I don't know why I didn't continue with it, I think I'm gonna give it another go.
This Is the best search engine for sneap forum it actually works.
I don't Know Why the don't sticky this on the main page.

I've dabbled with reaper before I don't know why I didn't continue with it, I think I'm gonna give it another go.

it IS stickied , under useful information/faq...