what did you do last night??

Morpheus said:
:D Spot on there Dries! Hope it wasn't too bad for you bearing the silence all night long!
it was horrible.. the only sound i heared was my own breadings .. after a while i started singing cause it drove me mad.. and i walked arround the room the whole time.. 2 steps - turn arround - 2 steps - turn arround - 2 steps - turn arround - 2 steps - turn arround - 2 steps - turn arround - :yell: :yell: :yell:
then i started asking for a sigaret into the camera but no reaction, so i got more and more stressed.. after an hour of walking like that, singing to myself they openend the door and said sorry , we can't let ya smoke or put on some music , ya better sleep... and after another 30 minutes i felt asleep .. but it looked like ages..
Anthony said:
woke up at 2:00 am to download some antimatter & frank sinatra tracks. visited some cool pornsites, one of which fucked up my IE, so I had ti reinstall fuckin' Windows. FUCK!
get Mozilla Firefox Browser instead, more secure, and faster, and easy to transfer all yer preferences from IE to Firefox.
i made good experience with that Mozilla Browser though, and i hear people complaining about IE all the time, because it isn't as secure as it should be, at least not yet. Maybe it'll get better with SP2 though i dunno.
Bambi said:
went to gig with a certain cleric who shall remain nameless *cough*, got hammered giggled at some longhair in a black kilt..metal!! helped bogeys trying to buy drugs off metal heads..some role reversal going on there, discussed world economics with austen in the jacks
errrm told singer from weerd lug lord sleog fag he looked like doyle von wolfenstein while he was taking a piss, went to maccers...staggered home found cold pizza on table...mmm heavenly
Where did ye get to? I ended up in The Hub then back at a party with Stig Of The Dump and co
I came out of the jacks after a short conversation with doyle of the dump and found everyone i vaguely knew had gone awol with the exception of the yoke hungry munchkins of oliver bond :erk: So i shagged off into town and had a maccers :ill:
Bastet said:
well he did say he had the worst night ever didn't he? so what's so nice about that?
hmm.. actually, i had worser nights.. it's not that bad, but i won't recommand you the place for a bed and breakfast (i didn'nt even get breakfast)

but i found out the best thing about it now... I DON'T HAVE TO PAY FOR IT :Spin: *holds hand on wood*
cause they haven't asked me questions and things (verhoord) and cause i didn't sign anything (only my 'releasingspaper'

'euhm, sir, could you please sign here to admit you have been 'released' at 8 am and that you resieved your things back, here they are, one pack of Samson tabacco, one green lighter and one pack of blue rizla rollingpapers, you didn't have anything else?'
-'nope, just sigarets'
'no money?'
-'nope, me mates took it when you 'arrested', so they could keep on boozing last night'
'aah, and no passport or any official papers?'
'so only your sigaretes?'
'ok, then you can go'
-'euhm, sorry, but you promissed last night that you would bring me back to the town were the festival was' (it was 30 km away from it..)
'i don't think so.. '