what did you do on the 4th?


Aug 2, 2002
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i'm gonna ask nix to help me later make a pictorial representation of my weekend (digital camera in effect) but anyway, what did everyone else do?

it was so hot it's the first time i ever experienced having my knees sweat. crazy.
steph and i ran into people we haven't seen in around four years... totally by chance. it was VERY freaky, because we were up at my folks (the Twin Cities)... driving around, talking about these people... thought it would be cool to get some ice cream... and BAM there they were. very cool.

hung out with them, saw some fireworks... twas coo.
i usually dont sweat much but ya know.. when the humidity is like 1,043% and i am with 4 total lunatic friends throwing frisbees at my head and chucking me in the ocean, the pressure's a bit much.

either way, i wish we just went to a bar and not the beach. because everyone got painful sunburns except me and i feel bad. !
I didn't do much of anything on the 4th itself. Willow and I did chores and prepared for her week vacation. Evening time we just watched a movie (Pelle the Conqueror) and took it easy. Dogs and fireworks are not good together, but luckily the boys weren't too disturbed.

the rest of the weekend was spent at the domestic animal sanctuary where Willow's spending the week. My dogs almost got skunked and the smell of urine there is overwhelming. I helped put up an awning for some dogs, though.

but yeah, the hot weather sucked balls. Good to be back home where it's cool and foggy.
quasi-argued with entire family over everything. heated debate over why the 10 commandments should be removed from a southern courthouse. racial epithets tossed around casually.


got head shaved by drunkish person.

avoided a party.

noticed drunken haircut and broke out own cheap clippers, discovering i can very well shave my own head.
We went deep sea fishing off Gloucester and caught a huge haddock, brought it home, chopped it up and ate it!!

Afterwards we painted a house wall, swam, and saw Finding Nemo and probably pissed off everyone else in the theater by repeatedly exclaiming "FISH!" and pointing at the screen.
Got driven home because allergic reaction to food scared my friend shitless.
Wound up strolling around Falmouth with said friend because severity of migrane prevented me from driving home. Caught fireworks had to stay overnight on the boat due to traffic + space concerns.

Abandoned ship while friend's father set it up. Went to her place up near Cambridge. Woke up. Was promptly locked out of the house. Got confirmation that father's attempts to repair sinking ship by stepping on the drain the water was coming up from had failed. Wound up in Boston for the day. Guy on T was alternately making out and singing bits of motW's "Geography." Asked to buy dinner for homeless person just as I had to leave. Came home. Totally pooped.
3: went to a damn hot picnic thing and watched some cool fireworks (though not the huge, downtown ones, just a suburban display)
4: went to gf's parents' house and watched much screaming kids and nasty cellulite floating in pool while making frozen margaritas and barbecuing brats and burgers
5: lawnwork and then took gf out for anniversary (3yrs) to cool restaurant- she had Thiel (FISH!) and i had Swordfish (FISH!) with orange cranberry sauce and some good wine
6: fell asleep to baseball game and watched sum of all fears (eh, s'ok)
my mother-in-law to be gave me an awesome ring for our wedding. stoked!

but yeah, shit ain't cheap. Check vintage stores and look into getting something resized maybe?