What did you GET for XMAS


Teh Forum Fuhrer
Sep 16, 2002
Post what you got as opposed to what you wanted.

Snow Tires,
picks, strings
1 Monster Cable (1!!!)
Book - Gear secrets of the guitar legends (bodomiC, its got EVH's entire stage setup, let me know if you want the entire signal chain.)
Book - The Book Of Rock
The Terminator DVD Special Edition
Tickets to George Carlin :headbang:
50 Gift Cert to Guitar Center - Im getting that Sennheiser Digital Wireless today.:headbang:
Money - $150:headbang:
Kick ass stereo
Book- Michael Moore- Dude Where's My Country
Kurt Cobain journals
Edgar Allan Poe's complete works
hmmm.... a lot of other stuff, too... but I can't think right now, just woke up :p
Lion King DVD
Simpsons Series 2 DVD
Simpsons Xmas Special DVD

NeedledWarheart said:
Sucks dood, you will jus tappreciate it more when you get it.

@ BodomiC - I'll just lay it out in a nother thread when i get home. Tha book is bad ass, it has a lot of peoples live setups: Anguys Young, Randy Rhoads, Dimebag Darryl, EVH, Metallica, Satch, Steve Vai, and others but they are dumb, like Dave mattews. Fuck him.
BodomiC said:
@ bobby, please post also Satch, Vai setups, if there is Steve Lukathers setup it would kick ass :kickass:
Ok, ill do this when i get home tonight. Theres is not one for Steve Lukathers but i will post a list when i get home.
A new CD binder thing.
Both LOTR Special Extended Editions.
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.
Pirates Of The Carribean.
Freedom Fighters for PC.
400 dollar check.
And like a total of 200 dollars from my moms side of the family. and am awaiting my dads side. Damn I love these stereotypical American families. Money out the asshole and I'm still not a rich fuck.
I got a book and some beautiful Kalevala jewelry :D
I also got new jeans and I'm trying to brainwash my husband to by a new car too, that would be the best present, though a bit late for christmas...
Hammer PSM 3 snowboard (with new bindings)
LOTR 1 & 2 DVD extended edition
Iron Maiden Visions Of THe Beast DVD

To all guitar freaks out there: If you want live setups of all great guitarist check out www.guitargeek.com
- Marduk - "Panzer Division Marduk".
- Money
- A book: Sphere (I think it's from a film... I haven't seen the film yet)
- Marduk T-Shirt

And I still fucking wait for some presents and more money, because the things above are from my friends and mother. Tomorrow I'm going to buy more clothes with my neighbors and I will get some computer piece (maybe a web-cam, or a digital camera) from my uncles. And more things, because the 1st of January it's my Birthday and I will recieve more things.

But a lot of this presents will be colgne, shampoos, and more hygienical things that I have been receiving since I was born!!! MY FAMILY THINKS I'M A FUCKING PIG
bobvex said:
Sucks dood, you will jus tappreciate it more when you get it.

@ BodomiC - I'll just lay it out in a nother thread when i get home. Tha book is bad ass, it has a lot of peoples live setups: Anguys Young, Randy Rhoads, Dimebag Darryl, EVH, Metallica, Satch, Steve Vai, and others but they are dumb, like Dave mattews. Fuck him.

Could you please hook me up with Randy and Dime?

thanks bro.
A really nice stereo (from my mom)
Some money (from my grandma)
and some small but nice things (a mirror, a little box with exotic tea) from other ppl in my family (my aunt, her husband and my cousin; they're not so much about huge-ass gifts, but they're cool anyway:) ).
i also got an AC/DC baseball sytle shirt, and a new polishing cloth for my guitar, and a george carlin off-the-wall calender.

as soon as the new year starts, ill start a thred dedicated to the entries for every day.
- silver earrings
- two little plush elks (i collect elks :D :headbang:)
- some money and sweets from my grandma
- lord of the rings calendar 2004
- a little, nice, black jewelry box