what do you guys put on your vocal chain?


Apr 7, 2010
I am currently trying to mix high screams and low screams together, so far the highs sound great! In your face and can cut through the music, but the lows are what I am currently struggling with. What chain do you guys use for low screams so they don't sound like the screams are coming from the bottom of a well but in your face?
I make it midfocused.


Also split the growls to one track and screams to second track.
Ya i have the screams on a separate track. I just feel like when I add anything to the growls they sound really muddy =/
Always: Rvox and CLA-2A. I compress the shit out of vocals. Highpass around 150-200hz, doubletracked vox. I like to send the vocals to a doubler and raise it until it is audible. Makes vocals sound much wider.

Split high screams and low growls. If the growls are doubletracked but sound weak because the vocalist sucked, I sometimes pitch down one of the tracks.
My screaming and growling vocal chains are usually pretty ridiculous. On the album I'm finishing up now, I think I have pre-comp eq, three compressors (BF LA2A + BF 1176 + BF 1176), post-comp general eq, surgical eq, a pultec emulation for some additional high end sparkle, and in addition there's a clone track with fuckloads of distortion and compression, and those two are bussed together and smashed even more. And of course de-essing where needed :)

Staged compression on growling vocals is your friend, just find a good combination.
Staged compression on growling vocals is your friend, just find a good combination.

Yeah, I've read an article about that someplace. The author suggested adding as much as 5 different compressors with mild settings and feeding a vocal track with them via Sends. From my experience it works much better than squashing the track with one comp.
My vocal chains get a bit long as well. Usually comp, eq (I find that bumping the low end in higher screams and bumping the high end in lower screams helps a ton), maybe a limiter and tape saturator.