What do you hope to accomplish this year?

The Ozzman

Melted by feels
Sep 17, 2006
In My Kingdom Cold
Probably should have done this around the new year, but fuck it.

I hope to accomplish the following:

1) Take the GMAT
2) Get back into school
3) Make a cross country trip by myself via car [Cincinnati to California (most likely San Diego or Frisco)]. I think an exercise like this would help me actually find out who I am and it would also be something fun to do outside of my comfort zone.
1) Meet people at my school who aren't boring and generic and don't do everything MTV and Guitar Hero tells them.
2) Get a new job.
3) Pass my grade.
Why do so many people still have 'Get a girlfriend' as something they want to accomplish?

The secret to it is not trying at all. I gave up a long time ago.
Having a gf really isn't that great. You get to listen to them complain about their appearance and weight. And talk to you about shit you don't care about. If any of you are going to get gfs select them carefully.

Don't make it a goal. It happens when it happens.
well I think I've found someone. she's a big girl but we have so much to talk about and she really likes me.
Why do so many people still have 'Get a girlfriend' as something they want to accomplish?

The secret to it is not trying at all. I gave up a long time ago.
What Zephyrus said and also to me because it's a total mystery to me, will my world turn upside down when I get a girlfriend? Or the really question is how many times will I be turned down before I get one?
Record the Blue Wizard full length
Learn and be competent at playing technical death metal on guitar, Suffocation's a start, Cryptopsy and Decapitated are next.:)
Meet someone in real life off of Ultimate Metal(doesn't look like it'll happen but you never know)
Do good in college grade-wise
Get a Nintendo Wii or an Xbox 360