What do you hope to accomplish this year?

It isn't very safe or smart to approach the human female in the wild. Far too risky, with the vicious temper, uncontrollable mood swings, generally ferocious demeanor and all.
I'm not far from Maine.


but seriously, I want to get this soccer thing going. Last time I played it competively I was in eighth grade, and I want to get back into it, but my college only has a guy's team, and I never have the time to play.

We'll see.
We all know you like Zephyrus, don't hide it.:p
1. Bring up my grades
2. Get my band to finish our demo
3. Work on my assorted side projects
4. Build my own guitar
5. Improve guitar playing
6. Acquire more metal
7. Be in the first row at an Iron Maiden show (seems likely to happen)
8. Get a summer job
9. I was gonna put get a girlfriend, but on second thought, it's not a big priority...
I must add.

1) Become more extroverted. I probably say about 50 or less sentences a day.
2) Put on better shows, instead of just gazing at my feet or looking bored.
3) Get better at all the instruments I play.
4) Possibly get a gf, time goes by a lot faster with one, and I'm very bored usually. But not having one isn't that bad.
Well we do exist in real life too, I'm just saying that since this is the inernet, introverts are bound to be represented more. I doubt metalheads as a group are significantly more introverted than any other subculture.