What do you hope to accomplish this year?

I don't have problems blending in with other people, it's just that most of them suck and I would have fun with a group of 3-4 people sitting around talking than being in a large group of people and drinking or something.
Yeah that's pretty much how I feel. I like hanging out with small groups of people I get along with. But maintaining some huge circle of "friends" is just not for me. I really don't care to be around people that I have little to nothing in common with. Seems like a waste of time to me.
Word son. However I also try to have a broad range of interests and give everyone a chance in order to maximize the amount of people who I could potentially be friends with. I don't get overloaded because I don't tend to go out and try to make friends. I just let things happen.
This year I hope to get much better at my new job and make a crap load of cash. I hope to buy a new car among other things with said crap load of cash. I also hope to keep playing in the resurrection of my old band and perhaps start gigging if all goes well.
- Finish my Electronic album
- Start on and hopefully finish one of my band's Metal album
- Try not to dye before Opeth's (June) and Blind Guardian's (BG rumored) albums come out
- Finish a couple of projects I've been working on
I only have a few friends here who I'd like to hang out with regularly, because they aren't rabid partygoers and the dinner conversations are actually interesting and not reminiscent of jackassery.
I want to/will accomplish this year:
- Pass this school year with good grades, and start planning on which university to attend.
- Listen to many new bands.
- Make this girl start liking me, and maybe end up being my gf.
- Attend to a gig.

This much for now.
I'm also kinda introverted. I only really hang out with a very small group of people, mainly because everyone else at my school seems to be an egotistical asshole or obsessed with sports. Neither of which appeal.

It kind of pisses me off that half the 'metalheads' I met when I first came here turned out to be... well, basically 17-18 year old scene kids. I still hang out with them and go to gigs with them and stuff... but now they've all moved on to drum and bass. Which sucks.

Anyway... my ambitions...

1) get a job. I'm taking a year off before I apply for university (sick of schoolwork)
2) build my own pc
3) learn to drive
4) get a girlfriend...
5) get better at guitar, and maybe start to learn the drums
It's amazing to me how many social parasites with no personality I meet.
Stopped surprising me a while ago...

I think it's more that this is the internet and less that we are metalheads
I think it's both. Interweb = home of introverts. Metal = music of introverts. In general.

I don't tend to have trouble making friends. I just don't tend to desire craziness or tons of socializing. Hanging out with small groups of friends is perfect for me.
Same here...
y isn't even next to i. I would have understood why you didn't want to due before those albums came out, or even if you afraid to doe. But what's wrong with dye?
I have an extroverted personality, meaning I talk a lot and am very outgoing when I'm around people I know... but I don't like to talk to strangers, because there's a very good possibility that they're retarded.
I have an extroverted personality, meaning I talk a lot and am very outgoing when I'm around people I know... but I don't like to talk to strangers, because there's a very good possibility that they're retarded.

Well thats a great way to find new friends

I usually talk to new people I meet (although I have a tendency to ask them awkward questions which I need to stop doing) when meeting new people. But I usually talk a lot to people I know. I usually hang out with small groups but the size of the group doesn't matter. I can hang out with 1 person or 10.

I have no issues making friends. I dont stick out like a sore thumb with a tacky Immolation shirt or anything but I dont try to blend in. Large groups are some times fun.

Too many metalheads are fucking losers who just cant learn to blend in with other people.

Whats so bad about not being able to blend in? Some people just don't want to.