What do you hope to accomplish this year?

Form a band and start playing at local bars. A friend of mine finally has an 8 track and you can record onto cd instead of tape like with a four track. I want to record a demo and have people I know get it out.

Buy a new amp and new guitar

Improve my playing

hang out with Julie and get to know her.

Get christine's number

Work on maria. I think she's into me again and is also staying here in April. I really hated her at a certain point and am starting to like her again. I hope she eventually realizes we're perfect.

Do some pills with Tara. A friend told me she would fuck me and she's also into pills and I am too so hopefully we can do pills and chill out. I have no problem getting them and will be getting a supply around 2. Tara is very hot and a few years older.

Work as many hours at my new job as possible and do a better job than other workers.
hang out with Julie and get to know her.

Get christine's number

Work on maria. I think she's into me again and is also staying here in April. I really hated her at a certain point and am starting to like her again. I hope she eventually realizes we're perfect.

Do some pills with Tara. A friend told me she would fuck me and she's also into pills and I am too so hopefully we can do pills and chill out. I have no problem getting them and will be getting a supply around 2. Tara is very hot and a few years older.

And they say chivalry is dead.
My main goel this year is to form an old school death metal band. I just love playing it and writing and newer old school death metal bands that have great influences knowing what death metal is about motivates me because good musicians still play death metal and crappy death metal acts drive me even more than my favorite bands. I feel could form a death metal band that is better than 90% of the crappy US death metal coming out of shitty states. Our band would also be the first death metal band to play shows in this area and know that places once figuring out what we are trying to accomplish would try and ban us from playing because no extreme bands have ever played in this town which would give us more motive to be relentless and piss off people who do not understand. I want to play shows with shitty brutal death metal acts with shitty music and image and completly destroy them and attract people by doing the opposite of what the US scene is about which will make it easier for my band to move up if we can actually get something good going. I know someone who could hook us up in a studio for free so basically just need to get a demo out first to see what people think. A friend and I already have around 4,5 songs which we have written during around 4 months. I just want to get such good reaction where it makes me feel like spitting on the shoes of band members in bands I can't stand.
Meet new people.
Find attractive, interesting, metal, intellectual girls.
Put on more weight.
Stay fit.
Get a decent summer job.
Study my ass off at uni, put me on track for a first.
Try not to spend too much money!

Save up enough money to buy this guitar.

Get a job.

Get somewhere with the band im in.
But I guess you would have a better chance than me.

Whys that?

Im not really expecting any success! My standards are probably too high anyway. I think I need to lower them...

I know only a few people that like metal, and NOONE that likes DM. Im a bit picky when it comes to my metal...Most of the metallers i know like metal that i dont like. Thrash sucks!
Whys that?

Its because I live in the fourth richest county in my country. And inside my school district is a bunch of mansions.

No female at my school even knows about Metal. I was talking with someone about Metal and this girl says "whats that"?

And most people at my school are into 3 Days Grace, RHCP, MCR, and Avenged Sevenfold.

You should just get a gf, get her into maybe 3 Days Grace or MCR (if she isn't into them already), then move on to Avenged Sevenfold and Slipknot, and then move onto Metal.
1) Graduate from college in the Fall. That would be the shit.
2) Get a decent-paying job at the place where I'm doing my internship.
3) Get back into programming for fun - I haven't done it in over a year.
4) Continue writing poetry.

Those are the main ones.