What do you listen to when your Reamping?


Dec 18, 2009
I got the drums and bass all set and i have the Di running through the amp and im trying to find the right mic placement. I know its better to find the guitar tone when everything else is playing but do you listen to the guitar in mono? is that the dominating part of your mix?
i usually pan the guitar im tracking to one side or the other, i feel i can hear it better..and heck its going to end up panned anyway. once im somewhat happy with how the guitar soloed sounds, ill play it with the bass and drums and usually tweak it a little to get it to mesh with the bass. hope that helped some, im a little :Smokin:
find the sweet spot for the mic, make the amp sound good in the room, record a chuga chuga riff booth L and R side pan them hard, listen back on the monitors with the rest of the tracks and you will hear what needs to be adjusted, great to have the drums and bass tracks already mixed
Set mic up to where it 'should' sound good, reamp a short segment of the song (all tracks), listen to playback of recorded amp, adjust according to taste.

+1....... another was is to spot the mic first by just playing guitar through the amp and seeing were you get the best sound. This is not set in stone but very rarley needs changing on my side.