What do you think about bootlegs?


Sep 9, 2002
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Have you got Saxon bootlegs?Are there any very good?Having all the official live albums,bootlegs are interesting to hear in live version songs never heard in the official releases.For example i heard about a boot called Unleashed in Santos and having this tracklist that could be interesting?
Is it possible to speak about boots here?Well... i'll know soon if this post is removed.

Unleashed in Santos contains:
Dogs of War
Unleash the beast
Solid ball..
20000 ft
Cut of disease
Dallas 1pm
The thin red line
Broken heroes
HM thunder/warrior/battle cry
Circle of light
Motorcycle man


GREAT ! :)
Most of the time i prefer boots to official "live" albums... they're real & not re-recorded in a studio.
I dont think Saxon are too bothered about bootlegs...once i was chatting w/Biff in town & he even recomended a Saxon boot!

I have quite a few Saxon bootlegs on tape and CD. I think they are great and it's the only way to hear a full concert as it was. Without any of the songs or crowd reaction taken out, which normally happens on a official release.


Love Bootlegs.
They often capture the gig so much better than live albums because of the fact that they are raw and untouched.
If anyone wants to do a bit of trading e-mail me at Nigel.taylor@plymouth.gov.uk and I'll send you my list of stuff.

I love legs in boots!
provide they are attached to gorgeous women only!

opps wrong site!!!!

Did you really think you'd be able to keep this thread free of such comments 'snigger!'


Great discussion this! Been collecting SAXON bootlegs for about 12 years. It´s just so great to hear the concerts i simply was to young to attend!! Bootlegs are my only chance to know how SAXON sounded for example in 1986....
As far as i know, Biff does not allow people to film the shows, but i heard he allowed a guy to tape some shows in germany 2001! Basicly i´m against PIRACY, the guys who stands at record-fairs and sells pressed boot cd´s and videos are scum. -They only do it for the money. I NEVER download or copy a studio album instead of buying it, that´s piracy i think. But if i see a guy at a concert filming or taping it i just feel great! -They are (most often!) fans who wants to document their favourite band for the next generation!!!!! Like Ian Gillan once told me, "if you buy a ticket to my show, you can tape it, film it, take photo´s. You´ve paid for it. But thoose who sells un-official T-shirts or copy my studio albums, they steel from me, my wife and my childreen, i want to throw acid in their faces!!".
I think theese word says it all.....
If anyone wants to trade some SAXON stuff or just chat about SAXON bootlegs, drop me a line please! Bigsilverbird@iname.com
Well, must go back to that beer, and play some loud SAXON music!!
Dan // Sweden