WHat do you think of Inflames song Pinball map??


Oct 22, 2001
Valencia (Spain)
Dont you think that the chorus line of Pinball Map is cheesy?? i mean it sounds like a pop voice line.

i mean i like the song but that like on the chorus EEEEEKKKKK!!

everytime i hear it i imagine all the In flame guiys dancing along like the Backstreet boys or something like that hehehe
Even Björn Gelotte of In Flames thought so.

"It feels like one of the more brutal songs we’ve ever written, one of our more aggressive songs. But then it breaks out into a poppy chorus... " B. Gelotte.

Well, I said this already on another thread, but I think Pinball Map is the extreme scheisse ever coming out from the brain of Jesper Strömblad - THE WORST IN FLAMES SONG!

while we are on the topic this new one its probably the only inflames i havent listened to besides that apparently auful song would any of you recomend me to even bother and download it or shouldnt i ( i liked all inflames cds but i hated that only for the weak song they did on video thats why i have second thoughts )
Originally posted by Misanthrope
while we are on the topic this new one its probably the only inflames i havent listened to besides that apparently auful song would any of you recomend me to even bother and download it or shouldnt i ( i liked all inflames cds but i hated that only for the weak song they did on video thats why i have second thoughts )

then don't bother dloading it, unless you have lots of time on your hands. the other tracks might be slightly heavier, but less intense too (that is, in my opinion). if you want to try something from that album anyway, try maybe 'suburban me' or 'swim'. but you're likely to find both quite plastic, made-up stuff.

I don't have a problem with Pinball Map at all - must just be me :) In Flames are probably my favourite band at the moment.

This is my first post in this forum, btw - I have two (2) Dark Tranquillity albums, The Mind's I and Projector. Which of their other CDs is a must-have?
misanthrope is just allright!!!!
you could go and buy Haven, but there's no sense on that, 'cause the following week you'll go and buy the gallery, then you'll find out that you can't sleep and feel the need to buy Skydancer+Of Chaos....so what the point??? buy them all at once, it makes you feel better and with too big pair of balls :)
"hey honey, just charge all this bunch of DT cd's, I've seen the light"
PD: remember to strike with your fist the counter before paying!!! ;P
all of them...Dont try to resist it just accept what its gonna hapen to you and let yourself be totally absorbed by Dark Tranquillity's wonderfull art

So true so true, When I first started listening to them, it was so totally shocking as I listened to tidal tantrum over and over again it just got better and better. Next I bought Haven and after that in about a month i had every cd, didnt matter what you paid :) and now I own everyone of them. hehe who can ever get enough of this band?? They are the best I have ever heard! Praise be to the Masters ;)
Yep i think the song that i liked most about clayman was Only for the weak, at least lyrically, and bullet ride, besids that, i dunno it doesnt convinced me, but well i hope this change on theuyre future album..

and yes i agree too, buy all D.T stuff all you can have, ep´s. lp´s T-Shirts etc hehehe.. no im kidding, well buy all the music though.
ill be damned. i was on audio galaxy and for in flames it says "other listeners like Metallica, Limp Bizkit" FOR GODS SAKE! ill be damned if a bunch of people who dont even know what music is start to pose to like in flames just because they think they are hard. I mean metallica... thats fine, but limp bizkit!?!?
sweet jesus that is depressing.....after reading your post I immediatly clicked the address bar and went to audio galaxy...sure enough Limp Bizkit........*Cries* PLEASE IN FLAMES, MAKE YOUR NEXT ALBUM BACK TO THE ROOTS! MAKE IT HEAVY, MAKE IT MELODIC, PLEASE JUST BE DEATH METAL!...

DARK TRANQUILLITy RULES! *ahem* sorry for the caps, Haven may not be DTs best work (it is very good tho imho), but it doesnt give me the feeling theyll be straying at all, DT changes but they always stay true to their roots, brutal vocals, heavy guitars, dark, melodic =).


On the topic, I like Pinball Map...I like Clayman....but hey I DONT LIKE LIMP BIZKIT! hehe.
hey sentenced, on an interesting sidenote inflames are gonna tour with the beloved numetal slipknot on the uk...ok call me crazy but hearing the new inflames songs and their tour planes im actually scared of the direction things could take....:cry:
I don't know what is a forum of In Flames in DT official BB, but I have to say indeed I have all In Flames Cds (that's very difficult to acomplish here in Chile not only In Flames but alot of other bands) and if there is one song that really SUCKS!! :( that is PINBALL MAP, it's like a pop song turning into metal the voice of Anders on the Chorus is like an agressive Backstreet Boys kind like voice.

That's why I enter this forum I have to say that

Well ive been thinking that In Flames were gonna take that direction for a while now, i agree on this one with MISANTHROPE.

When they came to Mexico in 99, i thought to myself that.. and after hearing one or two details from the Colony album (i like the whole c´d but it has some things like the vocal distortion on "Scorn").

I just hope that the next cd came to the In flames roots we all like, and if not well there will be just another Band that fades like all others.. i could list a bunch but i dont see the purpose..

All thats left for us now is to keep up :headbang: ok??
Can't confess to being much of a fan of the album in general, actually. I still maintain that Embody The Invisible is the single greatest In Flames song, ever. Hands down.
Kinda interesting Exile... That was exactly what I thought the first time I heard "scorn"...:) T´was like I could hear were they were heading musically...
BTW I don´t really listen to the new In Flames CD´s anymore, a few listenings, and that´s it, I don´t know why, ´couse Lunar Strain, Subterranean and J.R. are constantly seeking their way into my CD player... Just my couple a cents...
