WHat do you think of Inflames song Pinball map??

Well i guess thats it for this thread, lets just see about in flames, and lets hope that D.T. dont make a similar thing in the future, the first time i listened to the projector album i though it is great but if they keep up with the elctronic stuff its going to be a shame.. well haven came out and it surprised me it blew me away, and lets hope the next cd its good too.
Clayman is poppy metal watered down for the sheep. Only for the Weak and Pinball Map are the biggest examples. Both have simplistic riffs in the verses and catchy choruses. I used to be a big fan of In Flames. Nowadays I've found heaps of better bands than them.
Clayman is by far In Flames worst and most dissapointing work (considering I love everything else). But I don't Understand why everyone hates the chorus from Pinball Map so much. I like it. That's probably my favorite song on the album. I must say though the lyrics are kind of cheesy.
Well, I like all of Clayman, including Pinball Map, and the earlier stuff like Jester Race too. I think it's easier for me though, since I became an In Flames fan fairly late on, and like both 'styles'. But for someone who started with the earlier stuff and had to watch them progress to music like this, I can see how it would be quite disturbing (since I saw the same thing happen to Paradise Lost from 1993 to 1999).
Clayman has great live songs? I've seen them live two times and both of the times Clayman stuff bored me. They played Clayman and Only for the Weak (another really poppy songs like Pinball Map) in a row and it almost bored me to death. It was actually fortunate though. Gave me enough energy to thrash around again when they continued the set with Artifacts of the Black Rain. Bullet Ride is great live though.
Bullet Ride is awesome live, I actually like OFtW but i really dont like the song live, the keyboards sound really off. Yeah I like Square Nothing as well. I think Clayman suffers from having a good share of downers, but I think it has some quality songs on it as well like Bullet Ride, Clayman, Brush the Dust, Suburban Me etc.