What do you want for Christmas?


Aug 30, 2001
I have simple desires this year.

- A coffeemaker with an auto-start option so I can wake up to the scent of fresh brew.
- A moon cycle calendar so I know when to plan on spending late nights outside.
- A few days off work
- No snow this Winter

Any or all of those will make Shpongled a happy camper :Smokin:
The heads of everyone responsible for every piece of malware on a platter.
I can definitely get on board with that. I spent a good portion of my Thanksgiving weekend fixing my computer at home. That stuff comes from seemingly nowhere nowadays. I'm pretty sure I've never visited any sites that could potentially infect my machine.
I can definitely get on board with that. I spent a good portion of my Thanksgiving weekend fixing my computer at home. That stuff comes from seemingly nowhere nowadays. I'm pretty sure I've never visited any sites that could potentially infect my machine.

I do this shit professionally. Sometimes all day. No amount of antivirus software is sufficient.
<3 open ports. Also, as Linux gains more market share, expect viruses to search for ways in. There's no such thing as perfectly secure if you've got a net connection, kids.
Gift cards, gift cards, and gift cards. I know that sounds boring, but they'll really help me out in the coming months of being a truly poor college student.
Totally, but a lot of people don't like to give cash as a present because they think it makes the gift seem impersonal, or whatever. Bollocks, I say. Gimme what I can use. Fortunately, the only thing I really want to spend any money on is computer upgrades, so thats why I tell everyone Newegg gift certificates.
Santa don't know shit about girlfriends. You gotta find those things yourself man.

Santa knows hookers though, for sure.
Wouldn't cash be preferable as it is more flexible than gift cards?

Not really. If I'm given giftcards for Wal-Mart or Target, I'm more likely to use them on essential items. I'd be likely to spend too much of the cash on meals eaten out, or put it in my bank account and then buy something stupid on Ebay. Besides, I mainly only shop at Target anyway, so, tis all good.
A new bat suit...

Mine is getting pretty old:
