what do your friends think about you?


New Metal Member
in fact I do not really understand
people, they are strange, they
judge me badly because of my
style of music they say i am weird , they do not want to talk
to me. what about you ?
My friends are all metalheads and they think my music is gross, cuz i listen to gore/br00tal death metal. And they think im a killer/rapist
My friends are all metalheads and they think my music is gross, cuz i listen to gore/br00tal death metal. And they think im a killer/rapist
Same here mate. In time their thoughts about me changed but about the music i listen never. I stopped explaining them about why i like my music after i saw there is no point. Just loosing my time.
People are nice to me, but i'm gregarious, so it's relatively easy for me in social situations. Someone mentioned that anyone who would judge you on music genre is not a friend, and I highly agree.
People usually say i'm the person they most like to talk with, 'cause i'm really understanding and take real interest in people. On the other hand, that posture hasn't been making me very happy, so i've been choosing to whom i direct all the understanding and compassion i have learned in psychotherapy.
Few people who don't like metal judged me for a long time, but after I tried to explain them that they can't judge me for what I listen, they respect me - at least they try. Btw, if they knew me better or even took time to better know me, they would know that music hasn't the first place in my mind and in my heart.

As I am also a Christian person, I am actually writing a book about my faith and my point of view of heavy metal cliché and wrong point of view of some judging Christians. Heavy metal is my job, even if it's as volunteer :headbang: I found my way in the music and I don't care of what they think about it :D