Doom On!
You really think that In Flames and NW NET (IE - NOT Gross) numbers in the millions?
I am not refuting this claim, serious question.
I am not refuting this claim, serious question.
You really think that In Flames and NW NET (IE - NOT Gross) numbers in the millions?
I am not refuting this claim, serious question.
You know what......
i was actually going to say, with all the people defending the career moves of Blackguard, no one has bothered to post a link or a You Tube to showcase their talent. Kind of says something, dontcha think????![]()
Interesting tibit from their wiki from before they changed the name of the band:
Profugus Mortis' first professional recording was released in March 2007 and was named So it Begins. So it Begins was more a collection of songs showcasing the band's past and their new direction, the album became the best and fastest selling album in their label Prodisk's history.
You really think that In Flames and NW NET (IE - NOT Gross) numbers in the millions?
I am not refuting this claim, serious question.
They are more or less completely mainstream. So is Hammerfall, for the record. Not that being big in Sweden automatically makes you rich or anything, but yeah.About In Flames being one of the biggest bands in Sweden....
Where do you base this from?
Are they really still that popular there?
You and Claus feel everything is black and white, based on your beliefs.
Go ahead and pull a handful of examples to back a couple of your favorite bands whose careers may be outliers. There will ALWAYS be outliers.
You are failing to see a potential correlation between overexposure and the image that goes along with being THAT band.
I was just trying to point out that for many bands, overexposure has been the nail in their coffin.
The diminished quality of In Flames and COB as a result of spending more time on the road than the studio is JUST "my" personal opinion???
Neil - You are the one who is a hard on for stats.
Go find us the CD sales figures for both those bands.
Ok, several others have already covered this pretty well, but I can't resist piling on. Really it's because I hope it will make you realize how your own opinion or the opinion that you've collected from your circle of friends can be a bad representation of reality outside that circle.
'Come Clarity' sold over 100k in the US, and is also the most popular album at last.fm. Last week they were the 171st most-popular band, ahead of Alicia Keys, Alice in Chains, Elton John, and Megadeth. The top 15 most popular songs include two from 'Clayman', and none from anything before that. So it's pretty clear that a lot more people like the new stuff than the old stuff.
Ok, I know you'll say this is your opinion, not a "fact", so you don't need any facts to support it, but since there are many of these bands, could you just list the five most obvious who were killed by overexposure, and how you know that it wasn't something else that brought the final end to the band?
If everyone in the world got thier music there....sure. They dont so it means nothing.
Of course it has its shortcomings as a data source, but it means a hell of a lot more than "nothing". Its data correlates well with Soundscan and also with what everyone else here has been saying about In Flames except for you and Jason. So I think it's pretty representative in this case.
Or, are you really claiming that if you did a survey of everyone in the world, you would find that there are more people who listen to 'The Jester Race' than 'Come Clarity'?
Please share what data source you're using that is more representative of the world than the last.fm data, and what makes it more representative.
Once again, overexposure ALONE would never be the "be all end all" for a band. It would be a contributing factor. It could lead to a band spending more time on the road, and less time songwriting.
I could easily list 5 bands that fall in the catagory.
Here is the difference though in how you and I would see the situation.
1) I am more concerned with a band's quality of music.
2) You seem more concerned in measuring success by CD sales
If you seriously think that the quality of music on that album even remotely resembles the quality of their previous releases, then we should seriously end this discussion now.
All I am saying is that as a long time fan, my perception is they got VERY lazy with their song writing.
OR people who like that stuff is listening to last.fm and the people who like the older stuff are not. You cant base any arguement off that data. If everyone in the world got thier music there....sure. They dont so it means nothing. This is why neilson ratings are lame for TV
I'm not familiar with that term, but it doesn't sound pleasant. Good luck with that - you might want to see a doctor.
Success can be measured in different ways; sales and $$$ is one way.
Fair enough. Your many posts about how fantastic they are and how everyone loves them and how much they keep selling without touring makes them seem to be the biggest band I've never heard about ...
Please share what data source you're using that is more representative of the world than the last.fm data, and what makes it more representative.