What each fantasy race would listen to.

Serjeant Grumbles

Active Member
Mar 20, 2005
I've been playing the game Total War: Warhammer a lot lately. Although I haven't played the original tabletop Warhammer (or 40k for that matter), I did know a bit about it beforehand. Anyway, although the game soundtrack certainly does hit the spot, especially during battles, after a while I do want to play something else, so oftentimes I look for music that evokes the particular faction I'm playing. So I thought it would be fun to make a thread for that.

Some of the non-human races in Warhammer include:

Wood Elves
High Elves
Dark Elves

*spelled Dwarfs in the Warhammer universe

There are also the various human cultures, but they correspond to real-life cultures, such as the Empire which is obviously based on the Holy Roman Empire, and Norsca, which is, well, take one guess. It's easy to think of metal for Norsca, because anything revolving around Vikings or grim, frozen wastelands fits the bill.
orcs: burzum and endless reams of shitty dungeon synth
vampires: mutiilation, helstar, tormentor
high elves: NSBM
wood elves: first 2 opeth, empyrium, drudkh
dark elves: deathspell omega, maybe some havohej at parties/weddings
beastmen: hellhammer, sarcofago and the like
dwarves: manowar

the dwarves and all three elder races listen to summoning, it's the only thing they agree on