What ethnicity/culture/whatever are you?

Despite the fact we control the world- or did until a few years ago- the Europeans feel they are still superior; thus the blatant arrogance often displayed by Erik. As if we are too barbaric, and uneducated to understand any other culture. The big problem here is I dont talk in absolutes like you o so perfect Erik, I am merely providing examples stories etc, you just dont seem to understand this.
you have to understand that a lot of Europeans don't even like people in the next town to theirs ... i never seen so much gossiping and shit talk about other people then in Europe. It is like a favorite pastime of most ... have coffee, smoke and talk shit about your neighbour.

as much as they hate to admit it, a lot of Europeans (especially Eastern) are a hell of a lot more materialistic (they try) and show-offish then Americans.
To be serious again (?)

I have read polls of Europeans on Jews and Israel ... Europe thinks Israel is the biggest threat to the world.
If this isn't talking in absolutes then I don't know what is to be honest... What do you mean by "Europe thinks"? I'm having a real hard time thinking these polls are somehow totally pan-European, asking every country in Europe, and so forth -- there are M A J O R cultural differences between different European countries, and I so often see Americans lumping "Europeans" together that I am frankly getting rather fucking sick of it. For example, we (Swedes) really have NOTHING in common with an Albanian or Turk or whatever. And yes, it's more accurate for me to generalize about "Americans" (as in "citizens of the United States of America") because no matter how much you argue that different states have different mindsets, in the end you're the same people, with the same language and largely the same culture, not COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY DIFFERENT FROM THE GROUND UP as a whole lot of European countries.
there are M A J O R cultural differences between different European countries, and I so often see Americans lumping "Europeans" together that I am frankly getting rather fucking sick of it. For example, we (Swedes) really have NOTHING in common with an Albanian or Turk or whatever.
see what I mean ... :loco:
lurch70 said:
you have to understand that a lot of Europeans don't even like people in the next town to theirs ... i never seen so much gossiping and shit talk about other people then in Europe. It is like a favorite pastime of most ... have coffee, smoke and talk shit about your neighbour.
Haha, yeah, and nearly every European country makes jokes about their neighbour countries, i.e. Finland/Sweden, Sweden/Norway, Norway/Sweden, England/Scotland and so forth... :lol: It's all in good fun though.
Ok fine, what the fuck man, I cant even post a single fucking comment and you make some idiotic comment. What am i suppose to have a set fucking methodology before each fucking comment? And the same could be said about your even more general comments- I at least mentioned a poll and a experience, you have nothing other than your sacred opinion- the fucking hypocrisy is amazing with you.

And yes the poll's I have seen do state Europe for whatever reason thinks Israel is the greatest enemy to mankind. If there is one thing continental Europe does agree on, its hatred of the jews- this has historical backing, i am not just making a fox news opinion piece on this.
it might be good fun, but there is deep seeded hatred in a lot of those countries and cultures.

i am really curious as how long the whole Euro Union will last ... what is the feeling in Europe amongst most people having this unified currency for expample?
speed said:
And yes the poll's I have seen do state Europe for whatever reason thinks Israel is the greatest enemy to mankind. If there is one thing continental Europe does agree on, its hatred of the jews- this has historical backing, i am not just making a fox news opinion piece on this.
Proof or STFU, n00b. That is: show evidence of this magical poll that includes a statistically relevant number of citizens from:
* Albania
* Andorra
* Armenia
* Austria
* Azerbaijan
* Belarus
* Belgium
* Bosnia and Herzegovina
* Bulgaria
* Croatia
* Cyprus
* Czech Republic
* Denmark
* Estonia
* Finland
* France
* Georgia
* Germany
* Greece
* Hungary
* Iceland
* Ireland
* Italy
* Kazakhstan
* Latvia
* Liechtenstein
* Lithuania
* Luxembourg
* FYR Macedonia
* Malta
* Moldova
* Monaco
* Netherlands
* Norway
* Poland
* Portugal
* Romania
* Russia
* San Marino
* Serbia and Montenegro
* Slovakia
* Slovenia
* Spain
* Sweden
* Switzerland
* Turkey
* Ukraine
* United Kingdom
* Vatican City
...or at least a majority of them. If you fail, I'm going to continue to believe that you're full of shit, if that's OK.
lurch70 said:
it might be good fun, but there is deep seeded hatred in a lot of those countries and cultures.

i am really curious as how long the whole Euro Union will last ... what is the feeling in Europe amongst most people having this unified currency for expample?
Um, I think it's generally positive, especially the countries with a bit weaker economy like Estonia and Poland will probably reap huge benefits from the easier trade and so forth -- worse for rich countries like us though, but we've (stubborn bastards as we Swedes, urgh, wait, Generic Europeans(TM)) voted no to the introduction of the Euro so... To be honest I don't really keep much of an eye on the happenings from within the Union. I'm not very happy about its existence... I do think it will last for a fuckload of years, but when it goes down it will likely be with a pretty spectacular bang
speed said:
Why they were persecuted- and why the monarchs fanned the flames of persecution that conditioned the European people not to give a damn anymore. Hatred of jews for banking is a long storied history in Europe, and one that I believe is of utmost importance.

Ok, well I guess that cuold explain some of it.
Yes and not only for banking, don't forget the whole deicide affair. It's pretty amusing (or bizzare perhaps) to see how often they've been blamed, persecuted and killed. Like the first crusade in the 11th century when they went to retake the holy land and on the way to Jerusalem traveled by some town and killed off all jews in it. I can't recall the name of the town the crusading army attacked or how many jews they slaughtered but it was pretty substansial.
Not to mention as scapegoats for the black death hehe
I think it's pretty fucking obvious politically speaking that the EU is good, but personally I don't fucking care and would be just as happy to chop Norrland loose from all kinds of crap found in the south
It's very much not hard to understand why people hate jews. In addition to what spaffe mentioned, a group on one hand fairly small (so that persecuting/blaming them isn't very hard/dangerous) and on the other hand so closely knit that has as little contact as possible with the outside "heathen" world and regards themselves as superior beings when compared to non-jews is OBVIOUSLY going to be an easy target. I mean, look at them jews, thinking they're better than us and looking all strange, and killing our SAVIOUR LORD JESUS CHRIST no less, let's kill 'em all I say
WHy dont u understand the concept of this poll? I didnt make it, i merely mentioned it. I assume it used like numbers of respondents from each country and averaged it out. Jesus christ its a fucking example, of course its not totally accurate. No statistical evidence is entirely accurate. But it obviously has some shred of truth in it. I swear man, what the fuck? Why dont you make a poll then?

And what you said before America has one culture and is homogenious. you too have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. If I go to New York, it is like a different fucking world, with similar language and stores, thats it. If I go to San Diego, I may not hear English for a while. If I go to Miami, I may only hear Haitian creole French. There are different cultures everywhere in America. See, its quite easy to tear down your opinion- if you had a poll on America, it would be exactly the same. Yet, still if its coming up 90%, there must be some universal truth.
WHy dont u understand the concept of this poll? I didnt make it, i merely mentioned it. I assume it used like numbers of respondents from each country and averaged it out. Jesus christ its a fucking example, of course its not totally accurate. No statistical evidence is entirely accurate. But it obviously has some shred of truth in it. I swear man, what the fuck? Why dont you make a poll then?
Because man, what the fuck, I live in a European country, and dare say I have a better insight into several other European countries than you do, and the whole "Israel is the biggest threat to this world" comment made me go WTF. It's simply not rooted in reality as far as I've noticed by living here for 20 years.

And what you said before America has one culture and is homogenious. you too have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. If I go to New York, it is like a different fucking world, with similar language and stores, thats it. If I go to San Diego, I may not hear English for a while. If I go to Miami, I may only hear Haitian creole French. There are different cultures everywhere in America. See, its quite easy to tear down your opinion- if you had a poll on America, it would be exactly the same. Yet, still if its coming up 90%, there must be some universal truth.
I'm not denying that there are pretty big differences between different states in the USA. However, if you are even going to TRY to argue that these differences are anywhere near the scale of difference between different European countries, my suggestion is
You obviously dont have any reformed Jews in Sweden- who are not as arrogant, and act nothing like what you describe. How many Jews have you met in your life Erik? There cant be that many in Sweden.

I agree I dislike their religion, and Chrisitianities basis in it, but its no reason to kill and persecute them because they feel superior to you, and dont allow you to be part of their world.
You obviously dont have any reformed Jews in Sweden- who are not as arrogant, and act nothing like what you describe. How many Jews have you met in your life Erik? There cant be that many in Sweden.
Thanks for continually proving my point about you generalizing about shit you know fuck-all about :)

Besides, I'm not saying I hate jews. I'm saying that it's perfectly understandable why people would. Thanks for being perceptive.
Apparently you didnt understand my comments.

I agree of course its not accurate, but for you to say the poll is wrong because I live in Europe, and I know better, is quite ridiculous dont you think?

I understand your disagreements with the poll, but upon your line of thinking, Europe can never be polled together- there are thus no underlying truths between and european countries. And this too, is a little ridiculous.

Its not my fucking poll man, I didnt group European countries together, I merely found it to be a interesting statistic. Jesus.
you made a grand generalization on why people hate jews- i made a generalization that you could not make this generalization because there are very few jews left in europe- thus you are accepting stereotypes of a people you dont even know. Look you are not the sharpest tool in the drawer here. Your logic is horrible.