What ethnicity/culture/whatever are you?

I seem to be some sort of clusterfuck of European background. Spanish, Greek, German, and French. My family practices Spanish culture so I usually just refer to myself as Spanish even though my last name is German. I agree that indiscriminate race mixing can lead to a feeling of rootlessness. However, I believe that an individual or collective of mixed-race may be able to draw on multiple positive characteristics inherited from a diverse background.
first of all, your sense of identity and self worth has to come from within your own psyche, not some artificial notion of who you think you "are". If you had been adopted and told you were croatian, and you had actually had biological parents from West Virginia, you would grow up thinking you are croatian, there is no part of your brain which will kick in and say, "by God, I sure feel out of place over here in the Balkans."
SO is culture more important than genetics? Are they of equal importance on a individual? For Americans, one can say they are from whatever background, but does that even matter if the family no longer practices or is part of any of their backgrounds cultural practices? So many questions.
No i totally agree Lizard. I dont know if one can make it a total split, as one must add ones own personality etc as part of the equation. Genetics give us limitations-even limitations to what we consider free will, and culture and environment definitely influence ones being, as even if one rejects their culture, they are in a way accepting it.

I suppose genetics are excellent if there is a propertied family legacy one inherits. In my case, I did sort of grow up in German culture, as my Grandparents still speak german, and make german food, are generally cheap burghers etc. And I drink alot of Irish tea.
we don't speak of this, unless you vould like a one-way trip to Bergen-Belsen...er I mean, Cleveland.

und neither do we speak of me only having one testicle.
Agreed with the idea that ethnic identity is more nurture than nature, since people develop attachments with the culture they're raised into and it becomes rooted in their memory, taking pride in one's culture is natural, even though I don't think it should be celebrated as if it was some great accomplishment.
fotmbm said:
Fuck jokes, Hitler did NOT have jewish blood despite what you may have read at www.nazisrtehlol.com. Hitler didn't think genetics were everything. "One who cannot appreciate the greatness of Wagner is no true national socialist"

According to what I've read it was never determined whether Hitler had Jewish blood or not. But that's all literature propogated by the ZOG right? He even had his (Jewish?) grandfather's hometown destroyed thus effectively eliminating any records of his grandfather's lineage.
Civilization (incl. its social conditioning) IS a reaction to the laws of nature. Without laws and civilization we'd be monkeys in trees, and we'd all probably be very happy with it too. Curse our humanity...
Cythraul said:
According to what I've read it was never determined whether Hitler had Jewish blood or not. But that's all literature propogated by the ZOG right? He even had his (Jewish?) grandfather's hometown destroyed thus effectively eliminating any records of his grandfather's lineage.

He was not of "jewish" blood. A noted scholar (who(m) I of course can't recall the name of) dismissed it as thoroughly untrue. Reinhard Heydrich (head of the security service SD) was partly jewsih on the other hand.
Black Winter Day said:
Nietzsche had some choice words on Wagner, didn't he? :)

Yes, he criticized him for his nationalism, anti-semitism, and the pseudo-philosophy of him and his followers. He also wrote some scathing reviews of his last(?) opera Parsifal.