What ethnicity/culture/whatever are you?

it's only overrated when you talk to people who think its their mission in life to be parents. Once you are one, its not overrated because suddenly you have to be aware that this little person has to take priority over you and that you are no longer the sole focus of your self.

costly = next time you're in the market look at the price of pampers and formula!!!

unglamorous - sometimes when you open those pampers you see something decidedly:Puke: it can occasionally bring new meaning to the words "cradle of filth":erk: :loco: :yuk: :err:
mousewings said:
Maybe a little elitist, but that way they'll not be so confused. :p Maybe.
Yeah, I think your logic is a little confused to be honest. Even if you took pure blood Chinese and pure blood Swedish, in one generation, you will have kids raised with two different backgrounds indicating:

- different language
- different culture
- different beliefs
- different religion (if any), but the grandparents may still be religous

Take it from me, when you marry, you're not just marrying an individual, you're marrying two different families together. And if those families are compatible (outside of those criteria I selected) then that is your biggest challenge.

But hey, I don't have all the answers, I would just suggest you look for someone that you get along with (and perhaps 'love') before you go for bloodlines and aesthetics. Just a thought.

Although in your case, you have the added burden of having diseased blood, so you might as well just adopt a Chinese girl before all the sterile middle-aged fat America couples swoop them all up. :loco:
JayKeeley said:
Take it from me, when you marry, you're not just marrying an individual, you're marrying two different families together. And if those families are compatible (outside of those criteria I selected) then that is your biggest challenge.

But hey, I don't have all the answers, I would just suggest you look for someone that you get along with (and perhaps 'love') before you go for bloodlines and aesthetics. Just a thought.
I've taken that into consideration (the first)... but I'll go for who I go for. My parents are totally non-religious (even more so than me) and very tolerant of other cultures, but the in-laws may find my family too athiestic in that they deeply dislike organized religion but tolerate it.

The second thing is what my mother always says when I bring this issue up. Also quoting that the mixed/non pureblood humans are people too and I should marry whoever makes me happy. What is this "love" thing you talk of? :p

My blood disease helps though. It protects against malaria and other diseases. I'm a only a carrier (with the recessive gene) so it doesn't matter, unless I mate with another carrier. Biology is very useful.
lizard said:
I'm sorta goofy myself.

sorta??! :loco:
Weird? Me. That's what they all say. All of them.

You should see my actions in real life. Some of them are considered deeply disturbing.
Whoa this thread got really really good.

I don't set limitations on love, no point. I know the type of woman I prefer (physical: short, dark-ish skin, round butt, flat stomach; mental: open-minded concerning the arts, someone who enjoys philosophic/political issues) but who knows who I might end up with. Love conquers all god dammit. :Spin:
lizard said:
well yeah, but if you start at the dawn of mankind (whenever that was), it's been a complete scenario of tribes engulfing other tribes, peoples being absorbed by other peoples...so there's really no "pure" DNA out there.
By the way, do religious people believe that everyone descended from Adam & Eve? I mean, incestuous inter-family breeding etc etc. Are there any variations to this that I might be missing?
Oddly enough I'm writing a paper on human evolution and one point on the issue is that there is no "ideal" DNA or genome sequence and interbreeding would increase genetic diversity. Although this supports human diversity, I'm sure that few people will really care about their progeny more than one or two generations down the line.

Looking at this from a humanities prospective, I understand where mouse is coming with this. In today's "globalized" world we have people from virtually every ethnic group living anywhere, in western society strong familial bonds are almost nonexistent outside of the immediate family. Many cultures mingling together in a single area may make it confusing for their children who live with many foreign cultures and religions around them, and without guidance many will turn to the idiocy of pop-culture and athiesm (see note 1); because they don't know any better the cycle continues. Of course there are always exceptions to the rule and I happen to be one of them, but that doesn't make me any less confused about my own culture since everything I know about it I've had to learn upon my own initiative and wasn't taught to me by an elder or a family member.

With all of this said I find it admirable that people such as Negru and Erik try to promote and preserve their own traditional cultures in an age where we all seem to be lacking such.

1. While I do admit that spirituality ultimately is the choice of the individual, religion is inherently linked to tradition and culture.
That's an interesting post first of all

I pretty much agree with you there, and I think it's a good point you've got; multi-culturalism ---> rootlessness ---> pop cultre. Though it might only be valid during a transitional period when the cultures merge and form a new one which becomes deeply rooted with time.

I feel an urge to preserve my culture, but I start doubting when I can't base it one any sound arguments, which leads to the question of feeling vs logic which leads to even more doubts:[

A sort of relativistic worldview as I have is not universally satisfactoy, I would kill for one that is, it would make my life a lot easier (sounds like what I need is an organised religion hehe)
Its not hard to promote your own culture, you just refuse to acknowledge the others mixed in. I do NOT actually know what mixes are involved, because I only like to promote one, its the one you notice first when you meet me. I look like a big Swedish viking fuck, and if anyone asks, that's what I am. I feel no reason to have to explain "I look like a Swede, but you see, I have 1.4% German, 7.895646% Russian, and just 0.000001% indian (not real figures, probably real cultures)... BAH! Sorry, I went on a rant, But you all know what I mean.
NoLordy Capone said:
Its not hard to promote your own culture, you just refuse to acknowledge the others mixed in. I do NOT actually know what mixes are involved, because I only like to promote one, its the one you notice first when you meet me. I look like a big Swedish viking fuck, and if anyone asks, that's what I am. I feel no reason to have to explain "I look like a Swede, but you see, I have 1.4% German, 7.895646% Russian, and just 0.000001% indian (not real figures, probably real cultures)... BAH! Sorry, I went on a rant, But you all know what I mean.

What if it's not so black and white as to what your main culture is? like if it's 8 different equally split ones?