That's what my friend said. Or she said have them and see how they turn out in the future.fotmbm said:maybe not
an overrated, costly... and unglamourous one. :/it's a job.
Yeah, I think your logic is a little confused to be honest. Even if you took pure blood Chinese and pure blood Swedish, in one generation, you will have kids raised with two different backgrounds indicating:mousewings said:Maybe a little elitist, but that way they'll not be so confused.Maybe.
I've taken that into consideration (the first)... but I'll go for who I go for. My parents are totally non-religious (even more so than me) and very tolerant of other cultures, but the in-laws may find my family too athiestic in that they deeply dislike organized religion but tolerate it.JayKeeley said:Take it from me, when you marry, you're not just marrying an individual, you're marrying two different families together. And if those families are compatible (outside of those criteria I selected) then that is your biggest challenge.
But hey, I don't have all the answers, I would just suggest you look for someone that you get along with (and perhaps 'love') before you go for bloodlines and aesthetics. Just a thought.
Agreed.lizard said:well yeah, but if you start at the dawn of mankind (whenever that was), it's been a complete scenario of tribes engulfing other tribes, peoples being absorbed by other there's really no "pure" DNA out there.
NoLordy Capone said:Its not hard to promote your own culture, you just refuse to acknowledge the others mixed in. I do NOT actually know what mixes are involved, because I only like to promote one, its the one you notice first when you meet me. I look like a big Swedish viking fuck, and if anyone asks, that's what I am. I feel no reason to have to explain "I look like a Swede, but you see, I have 1.4% German, 7.895646% Russian, and just 0.000001% indian (not real figures, probably real cultures)... BAH! Sorry, I went on a rant, But you all know what I mean.