What ever happened to Johan Defarfalla ?




I mailed him ... this is his response:

"Hi Steve
Yes, I´m the one and only whith this name. I went back to play Fusion and
Jazz because we, in opeth, had a quite different vision regarding the
evolvement of the music and we could not get along any more. Now days I
work as a projectmanager and as a politician.
Johan De Farfalla "

here you have it ;)
he kinda looks like david arquette now. thanks for the info btw, i remember wondering the same thing a while ago.
haha, i wonder what would happen to him once his fellow christians find out he used to be one of those devil-worshipping black metal satanists! :lol: no wonder he kept his mouth shut all this time!

it would be really cool if he'd like to answer some more questions / do an interview! much like david isberg did. a lot of people worship his playing on those 2 albums, i'd really like to hear his views about it!

we should send an email if he'd be willing to delve into that side of his past for us :)

but let's not spam his mailbox now, that probably wouldn't promote any cooperation :) at least, not at first. so maybe someone could write a sensible and friendly email to him? i vote for Black Session since he sent the first mail :)
haha, i wonder what would happen to him once his fellow christians find out he used to be one of those devil-worshipping black metal satanists! :lol: no wonder he kept his mouth shut all this time!

it would be really cool if he'd like to answer some more questions / do an interview! much like david isberg did. a lot of people worship his playing on those 2 albums, i'd really like to hear his views about it!

we should send an email if he'd be willing to delve into that side of his past for us :)

but let's not spam his mailbox now, that probably wouldn't promote any cooperation :) at least, not at first. so maybe someone could write a sensible and friendly email to him? i vote for Black Session since he sent the first mail :)

I don't think he was all that in to metal actually :) ... he joined the band apparantly to help out, coming from a rockband (see the Anders Nordin interview), and he strayed into jazz and fusion ...

I agree not to spam his mailbox ;) ... I think we now know what we wanted to know. On that website it says that he is interested in Music/Culture so I guess he will still play some bass, but not professionally. If he would have recorded anything else with other bands, than it would have turned up on a search on the internet, so I don't think he did anything else.

And it was actually very easy to find :p don't give me to much credit for that one ... just typed his name into google and it was on the first page already ...
Damn, why Kristdemokraterna? I've lost some respect in him now...

No wonder Mikael and Peter kicked him out. :lol:
Wonder whatside they are on, or if they are on any side at all.
Weird shit. I guess that leaves hearing Farfalla play bass out. This has got to be the only time I've ever heard of someone leaving a band for religious politics. Nasty. That's what it would be like if Steve Harris became a televangelist. Reminds me of 'Dicks with time machines' .