What got you into Evergrey?

I heard them from a guy who played in a band that I did a session gig for in the studio.... I told him I was going to see them live in Atlanta and that I had never heard them before. He said he had "In Search of Truth" and popped it in the disc player.... it was a masterpeice!!!!! :eek:

Seeing them live only confirmed this bands greatness, streangth in unique songwriting and musicianship, and that they are flat our heavy as all hell....

"Mark of the Triangle" rules my ass :rock:

... I am still on a quest for the other albums which are eluding me still.
I'm a bit new to the camp... Oct. 2001... but they quickly became my favorite band...

Bob Snyder (promotions director for Inside Out Music America) gave my radio station a bunch of great promos when I first met him last October... including Evergrey's "In Search Of Truth"... I was blown away when I heard that disc. My love for Evergrey grows with each passing day.

I got hold of the DD promo but I did not like it very much... :( After talking to Marlies and Nico I knew they were BIG Evergrey freaks and most of the bands they liked, I liked to.

Sooooo, I decided to give them another chance. Got myself the "In search of truth" cd and hooked I was. I guess that was payback for the headbang lessons :D
well, told the story before and some of you have heard that already but for those who don't know i'll answer the question.

Seen Evergrey for the first time at the PP festival in 1999 in 013 in Tilburg (Holland). Didn't knew the band at all so i didn't had any expections as well. After two or three songs with bad sound we (me and my buddies) decided to get us some food since we were very hungry. So heard only 10 or 15 minutes and it didn't do anything to me at all.

One year later at PP 2000 Evergrey played at the pre-party on Frinday night in Baarlo. Only two bands played that night (the first one was Sonic Debris). It wasn't that crowded and we (me and my buddies again) were standing about 3 meters in front of the stage with nobody in front of us. Evergrey started to play the song Solitude Within and after nearly one minute i looked to my left side and saw quite a few happy faces from my buddies. WOW, what was happening here? all four of us had the same feeling: this was f***ing amazing and great. The next hour was one of the greatest gig experiences we ever had. We sure had missed something big at the previous PP festival. how weird can it go sometimes.

Evergrey had a new fan, a big one: me :)
Saw 'em at Powermad 99. Halfway during their set I went up to the vendor and said, "Give me all their CD's!" But they only had Dark Discovery out at the time so I only got one, but I've been hooked ever since.
I was thinking of going to a small festival in sweden called Rock på Gräs. So i checked what bands where gonna be there, Evergray where one. So i checked their website and downloaded every sample there was