What Got You Into Saxon?

Well... first time my pals older bro played "Wheels" I said (as a little punk kid) This is how music should sound...(A Kiss fan since 6 years old) Haha just noticed everyone here are Limey's
Cool I'm from a hell caled Canada. My Dad was from Manchester,
Gramma from Birmingham (sorry if I spell it wrong)
My last name is Ellis blablabla
Saxon brings me back with there music to when music was honest and ment something(what ever happened to the Paul guy ?)
I was hanging out here in Toronto a few years ago with Steve Harris, so I harass him about AngelWitch as always hahah
He said Saxon where always a "THREAT" hahah I said "747' Was
almost a UFO song(that is a joke!!) But Every Maiden tune is Docter Docter tripelet'


Thanks for your time
NWOBHM still is new

Troy Ellis