What guitar tube preamp to buy


New Metal Member
Sep 14, 2014
Hi guys. My eye recently caught the Laney IRT Studio. I liked what I read and heared from reviews but I do not know if it will do me any good. I intend to plug it in directly from usb to Cubase and record using impulse responses. Do you think it would work well and give a good sound? I can't use it with a cabinet because of lack of proper space. So I am aasking you guys what do you think. Should I buy Laney IRT Studio, something else or use amp sims? If you have anything else in mind feel free to suggest. Thank you for your time
the IRT Studio is a complete guitar amp head. if you ever intend to play through a speaker (eg. at rehearsals), go for it :)
if not, and nowhere in the near future: get a nice ampsim, since it´s simply cheaper and can sound just as good.
The IRT Studio can be used with or without a cab.

I considered getting one myself, but not heard enough clips of it.
ENGL E530 is a killer Preamp, you can't hook it up via USB though, guess you already have an interface so this should not be a problem at all.
In my experience, amp sims never sound quite right. Sure, there are some out there that sound pretty good, but it's only for metal. Amp sims lack in every other genre. I've never had experience with the Laney or the Engl, but if you want versatility and aren't on a budget then I'd recommend the Axe-Fx. Otherwise, if you only want to do metal, I'd agree with the other guys and say amp sim or the rackmounts you mentioned (depending on your budget and taste).
Using ENGL e530 through an audio interface and into an audio track in Cubase and then input in the signal chain an impulse response loader would work? And what about the result? Will it be good or just about the same as an amp sim?
Using ENGL e530 through an audio interface and into an audio track in Cubase and then input in the signal chain an impulse response loader would work? And what about the result? Will it be good or just about the same as an amp sim?

i've done this a few years and it was definitively better than any amp sim
these days. however this was in the POD XT era and the only good sounding amp sim these days was revalver, used it only to apply the IR though.

well, amp sims immensely improved since then soundwise i would not expect
the preamp to sound better BUT, the feeling playing through a preamp and an ampsim is a huge difference. if you can deal with the "indirect" feel of amp sims
i'd rather say to get software instead of a preamp...
Also, another thing to consider is that amp sims eat up CPU performance.
ENGL e530. Had the chance to give the IRT studio a spin a couple of weeks back and the EQ just didn't react to my liking unfortunately. Of course, YMMV. It's still best to try them out if possible.