What happend to the traffic


Victory is at hand.
Jan 7, 2005
Hey there used to be a lot of traffic here but most of the people that were here don’t post anymore, except for MetalliKitty, she's true blue, but I’m not as cool as she is… so there just some silence going on… Maybe I should stop too, because I don’t want to look as a moron.
RoboCaster said:
Hey there used to be a lot of traffic here but most of the people that were here don’t post anymore, except for MetalliKitty, she's true blue, but I’m not as cool as she is… so there just some silence going on… Maybe I should stop too, because I don’t want to look as a moron.
But then we would miss ya, man! I know I've been a little out of the loop- been sick with flu (the one that seems to hang forever) plus had a nasty fender bender a couple of weeks ago. So that's why I've been a bit of a ghost. Call me Casper - cuz I'm still friendly!:wave:
Air Raid Siren said:
But then we would miss ya, man! I know I've been a little out of the loop- been sick with flu (the one that seems to hang forever) plus had a nasty fender bender a couple of weeks ago. So that's why I've been a bit of a ghost. Call me Casper - cuz I'm still friendly!:wave:

I'd post but I have nothing to say (and busy as hell RL) :)
I've been a little out of the loop- been sick with flu (the one that seems to hang forever)

Aha! So I did get this crud at the San Diego show. I can't come up to the Anehiem show because of it. :ill: :cry:

Thanks Aja. ;):p

It was worth it anyhow.
The Santa Ana's are what really do it. I spend 2 weeks in October or November every year with little to no voice. Much to my wife's delight. ;)

spideyjg said:
Aha! So I did get this crud at the San Diego show. I can't come up to the Anehiem show because of it. :ill: :cry:

Thanks Aja. ;):p

It was worth it anyhow.
The Santa Ana's are what really do it. I spend 2 weeks in October or November every year with little to no voice. Much to my wife's delight. ;)

Ya, you're probably right - it's probably the "Devil Winds" that are kicking my butt! :Shedevil:
I would say that this forum is still very much alive and well. I took a look at a few of the other forums for all-female band tribute bands in LA and this site is tops. Just the fact that the Iron Maidens take the time to cordially respond to people in such a down to earth manner says alot. Just because people don't always post on here does not mean that they are not interested anymore, therefore I disagree with the jealous detractor that previously posted at the beginning of this thread.
RoboCaster said:
Hey there used to be a lot of traffic here but most of the people that were here don’t post anymore, except for MetalliKitty, she's true blue, but I’m not as cool as she is… so there just some silence going on… Maybe I should stop too, because I don’t want to look as a moron.

Metallikitty!! That is sooooooo cute!!!! :grin: Thank you very much!!! :rock:

I was thinking it was quitening down on here as well, people mustn't be having as much time to post anymore. :erk:
RoboCaster said:
Hey there used to be a lot of traffic here but most of the people that were here don’t post anymore, except for MetalliKitty, she's true blue, but I’m not as cool as she is… so there just some silence going on… Maybe I should stop too, because I don’t want to look as a moron.

Well, the holiday season is approaching and people tend to get busier during that time of year ~ I know I do. Nothing to worry about though- a lull in traffic every now and then is normal. Things will probably pick up again after the holidays. :)
Lord of Delusions said:
There is no better way to get people to post than starting a "Where is everyone at?" thread! lol...

Its been slow in some other sites that I tend to creep around on as well. Personally, I haven't had anything to say.

Your right, but somebody seems to no concept about that's what I meant, and your also right, that one should only speak when there is something good to say as well.