What happened to Hexen?


Active Member
Oct 16, 2012
Southern California
They released a killer abum in 2012, Being and Nothingness, one of the best progressive thrash albums in years. Then all went silent. There have been no facebook updates since the album's release. No web updates of any kind. No merch. All of their shows were canceled.

Did they break up?

Are they in different bands now? If so which ones?
A local promoter manages Warbringer, Bonded by Blooded, Hatchet and Exmortus. I asked him about Hexen since he handles their music publishing. He said the members of the band are focusing on college instead of touring. According to him, Hexen was disappointed in the response to the last album, Being and Nothingness. They thought it was as good as Metallica's Black Album.

I enjoy the band, but I think they are smart to focus on college. I think the band should post some sort of update on facebook. I just checked and the last thing they posted was June 2012.
There is no money for these new Thrash bands. The manager of Warbringer told me their last European tour was the first time they came home with profit after a tour.

A few years back I had the opportunity to see Warbringer, Hexen, Vektor and Hatchet play a small bar in Vegas on a Saturday night. There was about 100 people and tickets were $10 or so. $1000 to split between 4 bands or however they figure it out isn't much.