What i did at TAFE today

Yeah I know J5 aint that bad either, my brother went from a complete metalhead to a rap/ hip-hop fan, a sad loss IMO. I'll admit there is still some talented guys out there, it just dont grab my attention like a good riff
Today I woke up around 1pm.

Sat online for 20minutes checked all the threads from the previous day, went had a shower, came back to my computer. Had lunch at 2 and watched Almost Greener.

Brought in the washing and washed the dishes on the sink. Drove my brother to work, down the street and went shopping [I now notice there's about 3 copies of The Darkness - Permission to Land in my car] and then I drive across mthe front lawn to the mailbox as I'm coming back home (Why should I get out of the car if I don't have to?). Then I sit online some more and play Kirby's SuperStar on the SNES for an hour or so. Get bothered by Koichi online (and consider trying to kill him but how?) Eat dinner at 6:30 while watching Neighbours, and then Frasier, then Survivor (while playing Kirby again), then more crap tv in Average Joe, and now I'm back online.

Tonight I'll watch Family Guy (All 50 eps on my pc :worship: ) and I'll probably listen to 1984 (Parts 10-12) and go to sleep around 3am.

Not that anyone asked anyway.

This week is lazy week.

Felt like Kirby needed to be posted.

Just because HE IS THAT DAMN COOL! he could suck up southy and spit him out.

He could... but he wont. Cos Southy would taste funny.

No I'm not saying Southy is funny per se, but wouldn't taste good because he doesn't wash
I prefer gangsta rap over other hip hop & rap stuff lol. Just the really old gangsta rap from the early '90s though. I find it kinda interesting.
I only like older rap. The newer stuff all seems very commercial, but then that's probably just the stuff that I hear.
How have we got this far into a rap thread without mentioning Morris Minor and the Majors? :).

The few rap songs I enjoy tend to be duets with bands I already like eg Walk This Way (Aerosmith/Run DMC), Bring The Noise (Anthrax/Public Enemy) and Another Body Murdered (Faith No More/Boo-Yah Tribe).

Although Young MC does have his moments...