What I wrote to Charlie...


New Metal Member
Jul 16, 2002
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I think you guys kick ass and I can't wait to hear the new stuff. I wanted to make a suggestion though. Are you guys going to release a live record with Bush singing or what? As far as I can tell, the fans really want it to happen. I checked you guys out on the Maximum Rock tour in Sacramento, CA before you guys left that tour, and it was my first time seeing you in concert. I remember Paul was still with you guys. Anyway I heard Antisocial with John singing and it was excellent! You guys need to tape this shit and release it with all the classics and recent stuff. Shit, it would also be great if you guys redid all the classics in the studio with John singing instead of Joey, sort of a greatest hits but with redone songs, because John adds a whole new demension to your songs which is really cool. Also, regarding the downloading issue, I agree with you there, but do you think it would be better for everybody if they dropped the prices a little on CD's? I mean spending almost $20.00 on something that costs less than $1.00 to make is a bit much. I understand there are other fees involved like studio time, promotion, advances etc. but I do know that record companies screw alot of bands out of money as well. The bands don't get rich, but the record companies do, and I think some of the fees they ask for is rubbish. All I see is the musicians and the fans getting the bad end of the deal. Also, isn't it true that most bands make most of their money from touring and merchandising? Anyways, I wanted to say cheers and I hope your record sells a shitload of copies man. I want to see Thrax' around forever!


So what did you guys think?
Cool, they were gonna record a live record in Chicago late in 2001 but the whole tour got delayed due to 09/11 and when they played the make-up date in early 2002 all talk of the live album was off. The album was to be called "Metallus Maximus Livus." It was gonna have an entire show from Chicago on it, and then a compilation of live material w/ Bush thru the years. The cover artwork for it was available on t-shirts sold on the Priest tour. I imagine that this album idea will resurface, as live albums are easy $$$$$$$ And everyone seems to really want a live album with John Bush. I'd bet money it will come out eventually.
Yes for the GH album w John. Don't see it happening in a hurry though; a live album will eventually surface.
Testament did an album where they went back in re-did some of the earlier stuff with their newer, more deathlike sound, and all in all it was OK, but really not needed. For Anthrax to go back and redo an entire album w/ john singing over joey would be superfluous at best and pompous at worst. We can hear John sing the songs live, we don't need to hear John dubbed over Joey on an album from 1987. If you want to hear John in 1987, go pick up "Raising Fear" Should Maiden go back and have Bruce sing over the 1st two albums???? Should Priest go back over their entire catalog with Ripper??? I thought not. I don't particularly like Joey either, but it is a part of the legacy that is Anthrax.
it'd be cool just as a compilation, just not replacing albums (like Ozzy's done with Bob Daisley and Lee Kerslake...stupid move)...

But I wouldn't want them to just mute Joey on the old tracks and have John sing over them....I'd want the whole band to re-record some of those old tunes. Some of that old shit would sound AMAZING with modern production. (And I prefer John's voice anyway)....
yes it would sound amazing with modern production.
just listen to testament's 'first strike still deadly'- they brought new life to the songs (that were good in the first place but just shittily recorded). and it's a kick ass record!
the modern sound (plus john's vocals) anthrax could bring to their old songs would be really cool.
but realistically i can't see it happening as it won't be the kind of thing that would sell well.
the live album with john will come out one day this century...
(btw i prefer john's voice too...)
Originally posted by TrendkillerSDMF
it'd be cool just as a compilation, just not replacing albums (like Ozzy's done with Bob Daisley and Lee Kerslake...stupid move)...

But I wouldn't want them to just mute Joey on the old tracks and have John sing over them....I'd want the whole band to re-record some of those old tunes. Some of that old shit would sound AMAZING with modern production. (And I prefer John's voice anyway)....

Thats what I was thinking! I did not want them to remove Joey from the old tracks and then overdub Johns vocals, I was thinking more of a "Testament" approach, doing a greatest hits compilation with a bunch of different old songs from each of their old albums and redoing the music with John singing them. I think it would be great! If they end up doing a live record with John, I hope that the production is excellent. I wouldn't even mind if they used protools to beef it up. Testament did that with "Live at the Fillmore" if I am not mistaken, and it sounded almost like a studio recording! I hope that will be the next thing Anthrax releases.
I think it would be cool TD. The point isn't realy just for the vocals it's to play them under your new style. Anthrax is pretty damn different now. I think it would sound great if they did it. pluss it's easy money. I still don't see it happening though.