Interview with Charlie Benante

I think the reunion is aided by the resurgence of 80s metal\metal in general, especailly here in the states. There were so many kids at the show that looked like 1988 - tight almost tailored jeans, goofy painters caps, high tops and those awful neon framed sunglasses they used to give out at Carls Jr.

Man in the 90s Metal was dead especially here on the West Coast and that didn't bode well for thrax eventhough they got real creative with S442 and V8.

Either way I saw Anthrax on the S442 and this tour in the same venue :Spin:
Personally, I don't like the reunion. I think they're just trying to capitalize on all of us old enough to want to watch "Behind The Music: Anthrax". To me, it's an attempt to get some commercial "success". But you cannot go back, ever.

I've been a fan since Spreading The Disease, & they'll always be one of my favorite bands, but for me, the Bush era music is far superior. I keep an Anthrax mp3 compilation cd in the car, & Sound Of White Noise is the oldest album on it. Charlie's riffs on the Bush-era albums absolutely fucking rule.
CGord said:
Personally, I don't like the reunion. I think they're just trying to capitalize on all of us old enough to want to watch "Behind The Music: Anthrax". To me, it's an attempt to get some commercial "success". But you cannot go back, ever.

I've been a fan since Spreading The Disease, & they'll always be one of my favorite bands, but for me, the Bush era music is far superior. I keep an Anthrax mp3 compilation cd in the car, & Sound Of White Noise is the oldest album on it. Charlie's riffs on the Bush-era albums absolutely fucking rule.
And you're right, you're right, goddamit!!!!
Thrillho said:
very honest interview, I thought.

Seems like Charlie is as clueless as we are, and I think that is not a bad thing.

I don't think he's clueless, it sounds almost bitter sweet to me.
Charlie mentions a "weirdness" between himself and John. I think if John was asked to come back and if John actually chose to accept there would be a hell of a lot more weirdness than there is at the moment. Although there has been very little comment from John in the press the guy must be feeling extreamly pissed at the actions of his so called band"mates". Yeah fine they were trying to prolong their careers and keep the Anthrax name relevent but to do it to the detriment of two existing band members livelihoods. HMMMMMMMMMMMPPPHHHHHH!

Sorry about the negativity again, im in a bad mood cause im back at work.
Oh and sorry about my spelling :)
Ulster Mosher said:
I am on the same wavelength about this. :)
I was too ... until I saw Armored Saint live, and realised just how much better a vocalist John Bush is. I'll love it either way, as I'm a fan of both eras. I'm an Anthrax fan no matter what. But I know what I'd rather see happen, and thats John back in the band.[/QUOTE]

how much better a vocalist YOU THINK John Bush is.....
spacebeer said:
I was too ... until I saw Armored Saint live, and realised just how much better a vocalist John Bush is. I'll love it either way, as I'm a fan of both eras. I'm an Anthrax fan no matter what. But I know what I'd rather see happen, and thats John back in the band.

Did you really type that?
DarbysDad said:
Did you really type that?

Ok, maybe I'm answering this incorrectly but that was a quote from someone else. What spacebeer wrote was underneath that (what YOU THINK of John Bush).

When I first read it, I thought it was a spacebeer typing myself and I thought woah, when did he change his mind?
eighteeschick said:
Ok, maybe I'm answering this incorrectly but that was a quote from someone else. What spacebeer wrote was underneath that (what YOU THINK of John Bush).

When I first read it, I thought it was a spacebeer typing myself and I thought woah, when did he change his mind?
Thanks 80s chick. I noticed that too after I posted but left it up anyway. BTW how the hell is Jersey? :grin:
poker_fan_in_nyc said:
I was driving to Philly last weekend and once we got over the bridge my daughter asked me what that smell was...I told her welcome to New Jersey :lol:
And they call it the Garden State? What are all the veggies spoiled? :grin:
Jockthrax said:
If Joey was so good why did both his solo albums flop? Is it because he cant write or is it because people were bored with his amazing voice?

His solo work wass teh suck.