Posted by Magna-san
Yes, I know the show sucks A LOT, but I bet Russ could kick the shit out of any other contestant both in singing ability, and a fight...
SilentRealm said:Besides, as if those judges would know true talent if it blew out their..nevermind.. anyway.
Mr. Shred-ididle said:The only good thing in Pop music is the "visual" aspect of the hotties wearing skimpy clothes
Mr. Shred-ididle said:I have allways wondered about something - Out of SyX who would be the best at arm wrestles? It's definately out of Russ, Mike R. and Jason. Russ as he has done a physicly demanding job (Medievil Times) and is a big guy, Mike R. as he looks errr... "beefy" (no disrespect to the god whatsever) and Jason as he is drummer hmmmm... But he's super small. I think Russ.