What if Russell Allen entered into American Idol..?

Anyone who enters any form of show like Popstars or Fame Factory (in Sweden) is a looser and a complete disgrace to musicians. It's not about music at all, it's about creating bands that will generate money. It's what has been going on for a long time, only now they decided to make a reality show out of it and show to the world what a pathetic bunch the human race is.
we have Australian Idol starting here soon, but no I don't think Russ would lower himself. Besides, as if those judges would know true talent if it blew out their..nevermind.. anyway.
The only good thing in Pop music is the "visual" aspect of the hotties wearing skimpy clothes

Posted by Magna-san
Yes, I know the show sucks A LOT, but I bet Russ could kick the shit out of any other contestant both in singing ability, and a fight...

I have allways wondered about something - Out of SyX who would be the best at arm wrestles? It's definately out of Russ, Mike R. and Jason. Russ as he has done a physicly demanding job (Medievil Times) and is a big guy, Mike R. as he looks errr... "beefy" (no disrespect to the god whatsever) and Jason as he is drummer hmmmm... But he's super small. I think Russ.
SilentRealm said:
Besides, as if those judges would know true talent if it blew out their..nevermind.. anyway.

They know what talent is, they just don't want it. I know a girl who participated and she is very talented, way better than all the others put together. She came very far, but they let her go when they were to choose the final members for the band with the words "it's not that you don't fit Popstars, it is Popstars that doesn't fit you". :Smug: They knew there'd be a huge gap between her and the others so the told her to fuck off!

And that is how you make a succesfull popband.
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
The only good thing in Pop music is the "visual" aspect of the hotties wearing skimpy clothes

Yeah, I agree... :grin: But it is kinda pathetic though.

Mr. Shred-ididle said:
I have allways wondered about something - Out of SyX who would be the best at arm wrestles? It's definately out of Russ, Mike R. and Jason. Russ as he has done a physicly demanding job (Medievil Times) and is a big guy, Mike R. as he looks errr... "beefy" (no disrespect to the god whatsever) and Jason as he is drummer hmmmm... But he's super small. I think Russ.

Jason looks pretty strong, but of course, I would cheer for Russell :Spin: