What interface are you going to move to for Pro Tools 9?


No Care Ever
I know some of you guys already bought PT 9, and some of you guys plan to soon. What interface do you plan to run with it?

Some people are sticking with what they have, but I've heard some people mention the SSL Alpha link.

I'll be sticking with what i have for now, but i'll be saving money and reading into what i think the best choice for me will be.

I've been stuck in the Digidesign world for too long, and i don't know much about what else is out there.
I gave this quite a bit of thought, and after considering getting a MacPro and an RME+AlphaLink combo or similar, I thought I might just as well stick to my trusty old Profire 2626 and see how far I can get with it. Quite honestly, I haven't had a single bad moment with it so far, and now that I can use all the I/O in PT9, I'm a happy camper!
Yeah. alpha link down the line for sure.
Gonna grab a decent portable interface in the meantime, just for running backing tracks for the new band.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but if I wanna use the Alpha link, I have to use a Mac Pro and a pci card to connect the ssl to PT, right?
Or at least, I need a delta link to connect it to the Avid HD card.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but if I wanna use the Alpha link, I have to use a Mac Pro and a pci card to connect the ssl to PT, right?
Or at least, I need a delta link to connect it to the Avid HD card.

spot on
ok so what would be a good suggestion for an interface if I only need 2 inputs, 4 at the absolute most? I'll never be set up for tracking drums so I really wouldn't need anything more. Just guitars, bass, vocals, etc ...

great pres, ad/da and all that shit?

I was previously considering the API A2D so I could just connect it to my Mbox but it also doesn't have the D/A end of things and its a bit pricey for me. Any others I should look into?
as far as I know the alpha oink work with windows too..
but be aware that it is only an ad/ da station with no preamps...

for all the mac guys.
I can only repeat myself but check out metric halo.
you can get the 2882 for 1700€ or 2000$ .
gives you 8 realy good micpres, a top of the art ad/da and a amazing clock.

this interface has aurora quality converters...

for all the windows guys I would say go with a rme system, or a apogee.

the ensemble only works with osx though...
ok so what would be a good suggestion for an interface if I only need 2 inputs, 4 at the absolute most? I'll never be set up for tracking drums so I really wouldn't need anything more. Just guitars, bass, vocals, etc ...

great pres, ad/da and all that shit?

I was previously considering the API A2D so I could just connect it to my Mbox but it also doesn't have the D/A end of things and its a bit pricey for me. Any others I should look into?

apogee duet, if you're on apple
i like this thread title. it kinda makes it look like you're assuming everyone on the forum will be getting pt9 hahahah.
i like this thread title. it kinda makes it look like you're assuming everyone on the forum will be getting pt9 hahahah.

98% of us are, the only one who wont be are the kids that record in their rooms. Seriously if you are AT ALL serious about really building a studio that people are going to pay you to record them, and you don't upgrade to Pro Tools its kind of foolish.

Its the industry standard, and the industry standard has the best workflow in the industry on all the DAW's out there.

Now dont get me wrong. I LOVE and have used Cakewalk products for the past 12 years. BUT they few times I have worked on Pro Tools I LOVED the workflow and how fast I could get everything done.

What you gonna stick with Logic? Sonar? Cubase?

Why? VST Support? 98% of the plugins you BUY, and BUY is the key word here come with VST and RTAS versions on the same CD / DVD.

The only reason not to upgrade to Pro Tools is if you used Cracked / Hacked Software.
Carlos, look into the 2 channel Focusrite ..... (google searches)

The Saffire 6 - Great interface, even better drivers, and transparent pre's. I LOVE my Pro 40 and will be buying a 2nd one after the Pro tools upgrade for a total of 24 ins and 88 outs ....lol CRAZYNESS!


I don't see anything about D/A conversion ???

EDIT: never mind ... duh:p

so overall the pres and converters are better than the MBox, right?
The only reason not to upgrade to Pro Tools is if you used Cracked / Hacked Software.

As much as I want to agree with you, honestly this is just downright wrong.

There are things which other DAWs clearly do better than ProTools. Not switching can just as easily be a matter of personal preference. Joey made the switch then came back. I only use PT here for editing and session conversions, and it will remain that way until they support VST and Input channel inserts, which make life easy when parallel recording guitar DI tracks as many of us do in Cubase. To my knowledge PT still doesn't have channel presets which is vital to the way some of us work, and lets not go into the slip editing thing, or actually showing the waveform when sliding regions. Let's no get into the fact that the RTAS platform is grossly resource inefficient, proprietary (plug-in devs have to jump hoops to get Avid to sign off on it) and that in recent versions batch fades have taken a few lifetimes to render in PT.

They're just a few examples, I'm sure some here could name you a fair few more.