Fear Factory, Kataklysm...anything else? Seems quiet these days. Is he on tour??
When is Metallica going to get their shit together and ask Andy to produce?
When is Metallica going to get their shit together and ask Andy to produce?
When is Metallica going to get their shit together and ask Andy to produce?
Fixed.When is Metallica going to get their shit together and call it a day?
The real question: does Metallica not have enough cash just to cash out, go sip Margarita's somewhere and just giggle?
I don't think Metallica would be broke anytime soon, even if they were to quit todayI'm sure they still get a shitload of money from all the royalties, rights, and licenses. Not to mention merch.
Holy fuck that article was terrible. I know nothing about the author of that article, but the dude came off like such a little twat.