What is art and what is not.

Art is a product of human creativity and his emotions. so if teenagers want to take pictures with their canons, very good. This is an expression of their creativity and emotions. Nothing harmfull about it, it stimulates their creativity
I think one can find art in everything, or at least look at anything from an artistic perspective. Art doesn't even have to be intentional. Some believe that art has to result from talent, creativity, etc... I just think there is good art and bad art, and that which is which is highly subjective, naturally.

I had a college professor who was adamant that there was a strict dividing line between art and non art. It's funny, because one of his chief criteria was whether or not other artists recognized the object in question as art, apparently failing to recognize the circular nature of his own argument. You'd expect more out of someone with a "Dr." in front of his name, I thought.
Lady Gaga art my ass. According to her fans, Lady Gaga dresses like she does (omg so unique) to break free of social norms. Funny how she is making more money than they ever will whilst being an "outcast". Anyway, back on topic.

Art is and always will be subjective. There is no objective way of defining art. Some people consider splodges on a canvas art. I consider metal an art. Other people don't. Art is undefinable in this sense.
How is Lady Gaga not art? She writes her own music, she is a very talented musician and knows how to write a good tune. Surely the fact alone that she creates and people receive her creations with criticism is enough for it to be art? She does dress a little strange...but then again I guess standards are high on here, after all metal bands are clear style leaders when it comes to fashion. Did you know denim jackets with sew on patches recently appeared on the cover of Vogue?

There is no point even trying to defend Jay-Z on here, the metal scene is shockingly narrow minded sometimes. :(

Grindcore may be considered an attempt at art, but if we were all honest with ourselves and stopped liking it just "because" I think we could all agree its nothing more than pure shit. I think if you tried to quiz someone on Nasum songs (give the contestant 5 seconds to correctly name the song) they wouldn't be able to. Not unless they studied for it! Which is just fucking ridiculous. A good piece of art should be instantly recognisable, Grindcore is just noise.

everybody love everybody
Lady Gaga has obviously been influenced by Madonna, Marilyn Manson, etc. She's largely doing stuff that has been done before, and seems to believe she's shocking people a lot more than she is. I'm not hating on her for it - she actually seems like a positive enough person from what little I've seen of her. I'd certainly rather someone like her achieve mainstream success than someone that got up on stage and spewed hate at everyone. But as has been pointed out, her massive success sort of disproves the idea that she is some kind of outcast. Just because a few evangelicals and Catholic priests don't like her doesn't mean all that much. These are the same people that protest Disney World for giving medical benefits to gay couples. The people that are threatened by Lady Gaga aren't taken nearly so seriously as they might have been a couple decades ago.
Honestly its a matter of opinion really, what may be art to someone may not be to someone else, to me my art is where my heart is, but that's just me.

Like goodness, beauty and art is not "in the object" or "in the eye of the beholder" it is in the object as judged by a rational observer.

Art is a selective re creation of a persons perceived reality according to hisher metaphysical perspective. The condition of reality that represent mans fundamental view of himself and of existence. Out of all the conscious countless number of concretes an artist isolates the things which he regards as metaphysically essential and begins to merge them into a single new concrete that represents a complete abstraction.
Like goodness, beauty and art is not Art is a selective re creation of a persons perceived reality according to hisher metaphysical perspective. The condition of reality that represent mans fundamental view of himself and of existence. Out of all the conscious countless number of concretes an artist isolates the things which he regards as metaphysically essential and begins to merge them into a single new concrete that represents a complete abstraction.

That my friend, What you just said is an art. Art is an expression..
That what i'm thinking of.A Pink Floyd album could be consider art but a Hannah Montana or a Nickelback album is diffenley not art.A movie by David Lynch is a art but a Michael Bay movie is not art.

Michael Bay movies are an expression of the art of blowing shit up
Art = that which has been created.

Pretty much explains it. Why then are Michael Bay movies not art ,Lady Gaga's albums not art? Who are we to judge ,who are we to decide? Why are then 4-year old child's painting's of its mom and dad not art? Is is to subjective to say or is art something that just is?
Is Dali's "Telephone" art by that same thought?
Discuss please.
Art is not everything and anything. That's a contradiction because that would mean Art stands on it's own without human beings, which is just silly.

Art is not just creation (a volcano is not art) but meaning. An interpretation of Human perceptions into Human conceptions from an honest point of view. His/Her view of reality. Art is human and significant.

A college student smearing shit on the wall is not a view ot interpretation of anything but his/her own insignificance.

Kathaaria and every other subjectivist here are recognizably mystified.
Art is not everything and anything. That's a contradiction because that would mean Art stands on it's own without human beings, which is just silly.
Why would humans be the only ones to create art? (Spontaneous animal activity for example could be art) It could be beautiful ,it could be breath-taking ,magnificent ,extraordinary and so on... Like I said ,why would we determine what is art?

Art is not just creation (a volcano is not art) but meaning. An interpretation of Human perceptions into Human conceptions from an honest point of view. His/Her view of reality. Art is human and significant.
Question for this abowe^.

A college student smearing shit on the wall is not a view ot interpretation of anything but his/her own insignificance.
And once that same student gets a diploma from a Academy than smearing shit on walls is nothing but pure art ,right?