What is it about Brits and piss?!


Posted: Jan 04, 2007 12:07 am Post subject: Trivium+British People = urine filled balloonshttp://www.metalsludge.tv/phpBB2/posting.php?mode=quote&p=2079530 http://www.metalsludge.tv/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=2079530#2079530Posted: Jan 04, 2007 12:07 am Post subject: Trivium+British People = urine filled balloonshttp://www.metalsludge.tv/phpBB2/posting.php?mode=quote&p=2079530 Trivium Reportedly Attacked with Urine-Filled Balloons

posted Wednesday, January 3, 2007 at 09:24:04 AM by deathbringer. (thanks Blabbermouth)

Blabbermouth have reported that at Trivium's recent show at Earl's Court, members of the audience subjected Matt Heafy and the band to an attack of words and urine filled balloons. According to the report Heafy reacted furiously to the crowd and explained that what they were doing was 'really wrong' and that if he saw anyone throwing things at the band they would be 'thrown the fuck out'

According to the site "The left hand side of the stage had been rowdy with fervent disapproval for TRIVIUM and their frontman from the beginning of their set, the band being lambasted with cries of 'death to false metal' between each of their songs and throughout the set there was a constant exchange of rude gestures between Heafy and the antagonists. An attempt to block the missiles with a U.S. flag was shouted down by British fans, who angrily turned on the American fans, a group of young men and women who had travelled all the way from the USA to see TRIVIUM perform.”

I rank this as worse than the Maiden egg incident...
They were opening for Maiden too weren't they?!
You figure they'd come out and calm things down or atleast pull them off stage... Classy fans. Regradless of what you think of Trivium they didn't ask for such mistreatment.
:lol: :lol:

I'm sorry but I had a right good laugh reading about that. Maybe in future Maiden will think twice about putting on such a crappy support band when they're loads of far superior bands they could have picked - it beggars belief that they didn't pick the likes of Diamond Head, Saxon, Girlschool or Blitzkrieg to open for them, thats nothing short of shocking.

I never saw any of that carry on at the Glasgow concert but British fans have been doing that stuff for years - I remember going to Reading Festival in the 80s and there were tons of flying bottles of urine hurtling towards the stage when it was an el crappo band on - and I remember Def Leppard getting quite a few hits especially when they sang Hello America!!!!!

I know a few folk going to Wacken this year and there's a few bands that they ABSOLUTELY DETEST and I kid you not when I say that they are actually STARTING TO SAVE THEIR URINE ALREADY :rolleyes: :
sixxswine said:

I rank this as worse than the Maiden egg incident...
They were opening for Maiden too weren't they?!
You figure they'd come out and calm things down or atleast pull them off stage... Classy fans. Regradless of what you think of Trivium they didn't ask for such mistreatment.

I have to agree with you there buddy. I am certainly no Trivium fan but this just stinks! When you don't like a band just ignore them and grab a beer.

What if we all would do this when we don't like a band? No band or gig would be safe anymore.
It is of course a bit extreme to be throwing balloons of urine at bands and obviously I would never do such a thing - I did the sensible thing and I stayed at the bar and just wandered into the hall as Trivium were finishing their last song - think I heard about 10 seconds of it AND BELIEVE ME THAT WAS MORE THAN ENOUGH!!!!!

But yes years ago and really just at festivals there was plenty of folk in the UK throwing bottles of urine at various bands and if it wasn't bottles of urine, it was empty beer cans etc. I haven't been to a concert for ages where the support band got tons of verbal abuse but in the past I've seen quite a lot of abuse been thrown at the support band but nowadays I think even if someone hated the band, they either just stand there dumb or go to the bar - its not like it used to be in the olden days when a crap support band got booed and heckled right off the stage.
I have to agree with you there buddy. I am certainly no Trivium fan but this just stinks! When you don't like a band just ignore them and grab a beer.

What if we all would do this when we don't like a band? No band or gig would be safe anymore.

Thank you Hawk. You're always a class act Hawk.
Go buy a t-shirt, a smoke, or like Hawk said a beer.
Why resort to a stupid act like lobbing uirine bombs?!
Like you weren't thinking of throwing piss bombz at that Vengeance gig Hawk :lol:

No, this goes to far, throwing things at bands, whatever it is can't be tolerated. If you don't like it just shout or have a beer and ignore the stuff. But I really agree organisers have to pick out better matching bands to open...I've seen some real shit bands past years opening for great bands. I do pay for the full gig, including the opener, and too often it's a rediculous act that just bought theirselves into a tour or so ...
Also bands shouldn't throw stuff in the public, I once saw a set of drumsticks returning to the stage faster than they came off :p

A fun story is from a Van Halen gig we went to late 80's. Opener was Little Angels, and they sounded dreadful from the first notes. Their was very little interest for them and at a silent moment my buddy loudly shouted "hey" at the band. The singer was happy with the attention and returned a "hey"...Then my friend pointed at his watch and waved they had to leave stage...Now that was funny and you can bet there were 500 people or more around us that almost died of laughing !! It hit much harder than a piss bomb !!
Actually when I think about it, any time I've seen urine bombs its always been at a concert in England - never at a concert in Scotland - so its obvious its the English fans who have no manners and are totally disrespectful and behave outrageously all the time.

I hope there's no one from Engerland on this nice friendly forum:lol:
Why resort to a stupid act like lobbing uirine bombs?!

You have never been to gradería de sol here during a football match don't ya? :lol:

Jokes besides I agree that those angry fans didn't help the true metal spirit at all behaving like savages. It would have been much a class act to turn the backs to the band in defiance or better yet not entering the arena/venue during the show that'll have been a much stronger message IMO.

NP: Saxon - 'S.O.S'
You have never been to gradería de sol here during a football match don't ya? :lol:

Jokes besides I agree that those angry fans didn't help the true metal spirit at all behaving like savages. It would have been much a class act to turn the backs to the band in defiance or better yet not entering the arena/venue during the show that'll have been a much stronger message IMO.

NP: Saxon - 'S.O.S'

I know soccer fans are notorious for unspeakable acts against the opposing teams and their fans, hell even their own. I just think if you're going to see a concert you're basically on the same team...
I'd be all for "dry" venues...And to be fair we had problems in America with some football fans, mostly Radiers fans that used to lob "D" Cells at the opposing team as they headed for the locker rooms either at the half or after the game...
I think anybody doing stupid shit like that should get knocked the fuck out.
It's a harsh opinion but the way I see it is that it's Maiden's stage as well and besides, what kind of a sick person walks around with his own (or hopefully his own) piss an a balloon?
Poor Trivium. It's going to take a long time for them to live down their mallcore roots. Although the new album is quite good and certainly a step in the right direction, they do NOT belong on tour with Iron Maiden--in England no less--at this point in time.

Granted, putting an American band as opener for Maiden is a tried and true formula for gaining a European fanbase, but Trivium is far too well known as a mallcore (or whatever) band. They'll need to put out a couple more albums of good classic thrash before the die-hard Brits will even begin to accept them. It was too early to pair these two bands.
Poor Trivium. It's going to take a long time for them to live down their mallcore roots. Although the new album is quite good and certainly a step in the right direction, they do NOT belong on tour with Iron Maiden--in England no less--at this point in time.

Granted, putting an American band as opener for Maiden is a tried and true formula for gaining a European fanbase, but Trivium is far too well known as a mallcore (or whatever) band. They'll need to put out a couple more albums of good classic thrash before the die-hard Brits will even begin to accept them. It was too early to pair these two bands.

I have their new album, personally I like their debut better, but on the new album they have taken a page from the Metallica Load and ReLoad books...
They are leaning more toward the rock arena than the metal arena. I happen to agree with TSO that they probably don't belong on the same bill as Maiden, but still they don't deserve that kind of treatment...
I'm sorry but I had a right good laugh reading about that. Maybe in future Maiden will think twice about putting on such a crappy support band when they're loads of far superior bands they could have picked - it beggars belief that they didn't pick the likes of Diamond Head, Saxon, Girlschool or Blitzkrieg to open for them, thats nothing short of shocking.
While I agree that there were limitless tourmate options other than Trivium, you have to think about it. Who would bring in more publicity, a hot young American band or Blitzkrieg? (Don't get me wrong, I love Blitzkrieg and the other bands you mention but lets face it, Trivium draws a MUCH larger crowd at this point in time)

I don't like Trivium. I hate how they jumped styles and basically self-proclaimed themselves the 'new metallica'. But I agree with Hawk and Sixx, no band deserves to have piss balloons thrown at them in mid show. That's a terrible disrespect and if I were in Maiden's shoes, as the headliner, I would be offended.

The same thing happened when Warrant opened for Maiden in Paris in 1992 or something, I wasn't there but everybody told me about it.

The only time I saw a band getting booed off the stage was well deserved though : a crappy punk band called Antiproduct who were insulting the crowd and playing (badly) while on drugs!
That was at Gods of Metal festival in Italy in 2001, their frontman/guitarist couldn't play a right note and talked shit towards metal fans in general, so that the crowd went mad and started to throw the grass and everything they could find at the band who seemed to be quite amused by the reaction :D
A total chaos and one the funniest things I've ever seen live! The festival organisation had to cut the power off in order to stop the madness and the stage looked like a big dump after their "concert" ahah.
But it's a totally different context from Trivium opening for Maiden, as Antiproduct were really provocating people. And even worse, they had to face Slayer fans :lol: Yup, Slayer was the headliner...
as Antiproduct were really provocating people. And even worse, they had to face Slayer fans :lol: Yup, Slayer was the headliner...

That is what punk bands do it's their style. As for Slayer I bet they wouldn't mind the attitude as Hanneman and Araya at least are punk fans.

NP: Adramelch - 'Dethroned In Shame'

The same thing happened when Warrant opened for Maiden in Paris in 1992 or something, I wasn't there but everybody told me about it.

Fuck! Honestly if I were the manager of the band I wouldn't have booked them for that opening slot. Sure the money was probably good, but fuck that's asking for trouble isn't it?! Wasn't Bon Jovi touring then?! Fuck!!!
I hope there's no one from Engerland on this nice friendly forum:lol:

Yep Me! :) and having been coverd in half a badly aimed bottle of piss last year that served to spoil the end of Alice Coopers set at Monsters of Rock which caused me to leave my spot three rows from the front to find somwhere to wash it off. Fortunately my leather jacket had been abandoned to the ground before this incident so I was spared the embarassment of taking it to the dry cleaners and explaining why it needed cleaning but it's still a vile thing to be covered in.
I'd just like to make it known that not all English people resort to this disgusting habit at festivals
Metal Dog said:
I'd just like to make it known that not all English people resort to this disgusting habit at festivals

We know that :).

Don't worry we are going to classify all Brits as rude and stupid.
Must have been a bummer to see a Alice Cooper gig ruined by those stupid farts. :(
Throwing piss to Alice Cooper? Wish I had the chance to smack the sob that did that. Glad you didn't get injured MD, must have been a shocking experience :ill:

NP: Reflection - 'The Sorceress'